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    p_manage_nn job looping: "no_such_symbol" in log.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    When you try to run *any* p_manage_nn indexing job (such as p_manage_01, p_manage_05, etc.), sometines the job never ends and you see the following in the $data_scratch p_manage_nn_a.log:

    Process number : 1
    Cycle :
    Start loop : no_such_symbol
    End loop : no_such_symbol

    Please explain.

    This problem is due to the fact that the bib library. util g/2 last-doc-number was set to "900040066".
    The b_cycle_table_handle program was unable to handle such a value.

    The following SQL helps showing that there were 32 doc records with keys over 2 million:

    select z00_doc_number from z00 where z00_doc_number > '002000000';

    These are all mistakes. (Probably the result of batch loads with DOC_SEQ which, rather than letting the system assign a doc number, takes the doc number from the input record.)

    One had a key like this: "01493nam ", indicating that characters from the record's leader had been included in the record key.

    To delete these records and reduce the last-doc-number to a reasonable value, do the following:

    1. Use "vi", create a file with the doc numbers in this form:

    01493nam ABC01

    (This file is in the "p_ret_01" format which p_manage_33 expects.)

    2. Ran p_manage_33 with the file created in step 1 as input to delete the records.

    3. Used SQL to physically delete the 32 "DEL Y" stub records which remained after step 2.

    4. Use SQL "select max (z00_doc_number) from z00" to locate the highest key in the bib file.

    5. Use util g/2 to reset the last-doc-number to the value found in step 4.

    You should then be able to run p_manage_05, p_manage_01, etc., OK.

    Additional Information

    batch services, looping

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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