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    p_print_01_a and PRINT-CUST

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    Just about every report, notice, acquisitions order, etc. is generating this error:

    function PRINT-CUST missing program <p_print_01_a

    seen in the $alephe_scratch logs on production server.

    Are we missing something?

    The abc01 tab_expand file has this line:

    ! 1 2 3
    PRINT-CUST p_print_01_a

    The value in column 2 needs to be a (expand) program (in the case of PRINT-CUST, an expand to be used with the PRINT-CUST jobs). "p_print_01_a" is not such a program.

    You need to either correct this line or delete it.

    Note: This line was copied from the tab_expand header:

    ! tab_expand
    ! List of expand programs
    ! Last header change: 18/05/2003
    ! TABLE_KEY 1,2
    ! HELP
    ! Expand Menu:
    ! RET - p_ret_01 - retrieval (Service interface)
    ! p_ret_21 - sort (Service interface)
    ! WORD - p_manage_01_a - create word indexing (Service)
    ! - ue_01_w - internal program
    ! SORT-DOC - p_manage_27_a - create sort keys (Service)
    ! update_sort_doc - internal program
    ! ACC - p_manage_02_b - create headings (Service)
    ! - update_acc - internal program
    ! ACC-BRIEF - p_manage_35 - create Z0101 brief records
    ! INDEX - p_manage_05_a - create indexes (Service)
    ! - update_ind - internal program
    ! CREATE-Z13 - p_manage_07_a - create short bib record (Service)
    ! update_short_doc - internal program
    ! Z00R - update_z00r - create short bib record (Service)
    ! PRINT-CUST - p_print_01_a - custom format (Service) <---------------------

    These "Expand Menu" lines in the tab_expand header are not actual statements to be used but rather an "index" of the tab_expand labels, which relates each label to the service (job) it is used for.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013