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    p_print_03: UTF-to-MARC8 file to Marcive

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I have just exported all of our bibs using p-print-03 for authority processing by Marcive. They requested that the bibs be in MARC8 format based on previous ALEPH customers who experienced problems on re-load using UTF.

    Marcive reports that all marc records received were still in UTF despite my setting the conversion routine to UTF_TO_MARC8. I can see in the log files ($alephe_scratch/print-03_marcive_06, 07, 08 etc) that the following errors occurred. I've checked a half dozen of the 34 logs and these errors occurred in each. Did this cause the conversion to fail? How do I fix this?

    Duplicate UNICODE value 000007848 (X"1EA8") in marc8_lat_to_unicode
    First occurrence ("??A") accepted, "??A" rejected.

    Later, Marcive wrote: "Our technical staff looked at the records. They found that, even though byte 9 of the leader contains a lower case "a" which identifies the record as Unicode, the data is actually MARC-8. We will change byte 9 in these cases to a "blank" and proceed with processing. There is no need for you to resend the database."

    As described in KB 6582, the "Duplicate UNICODE value ... First occurrence ... accepted" message is normal.

    The fact that it is occurring in this case indicates that the UTF_TO_MARC8 table *is* being used.

    Marcive says that they will change the LDR pos. 9 to blank. Assuming that they send the updated records with LDR pos. 9 blank, you will not have to do anything special, LDR-wise, with the records you receive.

    In the future, you may want to create an xxx01 /tab/import/ fix procedure to update the LDR pos. 9 to blank which you can include in the xxx01 /tab/tab_fix and then specify in the p_print_03 Fix parameter upon submission.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013