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    p_publish_06 sporadically fails to publish certain records

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Our publishing engine has been in place for a long time. Every now and again, Aleph refuses to publish a new record, or it refuses to publish an update to an existing record.
    Any suggestions? The record in question is: ...

    The record was created on 2/21. I have confirmed that the record exists in ABC00/z00p (see below). Also, I have confirmed that it did not publish. e.g. it was not in the published set of records on 2/21, 2/22, 2/23, 2/24.

    From ABC00:
    select Z00P_DOC_NUMBER, Z00P_SET, Z00P_LIBRARY, Z00P_STATUS from z00p where Z00P_DOC_NUMBER = '002349221';
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    Z00P_DOC_ Z00P_SET Z00P_ Z00P_STATU
    --------- -------------------- ----- ----------
    002349221 CHL-STAFF ABC01 NEW
    002349221 CHL-PUBLIC ABC01 NEW
    002349221 CHL-ROS-DCMS ABC01 NEW

    Are you specifying p_publish_type "LAST-DATE" in running p_publish_06? If so, as a test, please do some minor update to the record and re-send it to the server, and see if p_publish_06 processes it this time.
    If it does, that indicates that there is nothing wrong with the record itself and there must have been a problem in the p_publish_06 which was supposed to process it previously. But if it fails once again to process the record, then we need to look more closely at the record itself.

    [From site:] The updated record *was* published to Primo this time.

    p_publish_06 goes through the z00p and pulls all the records for the specified dataset with a date later than that in the ./aleph/tab/ tab_publish_timestamp .
    You could run SQL like this: select count(*) from z00p where z00p_set = ‘xxxxx’ and z00p_timestamp > ‘yyyymmddnnnnn’;
    That will give you a count of the z00p’s which *should* have been tarred.
    Then you would need to unzip/untar the p_publish_06 outfile to see how many records are actually in it.

    Thanks for your help. That worked -- I confirmed with Staff this morning that the record was published to Primo.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013