p_ret_01 doesn't produce any output
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I need to delete two MARC record subfields: 586 y & 856 z
I go to run Services-> Catalog Maintenance Procedures -> Global Changes (manual-21 ).
Input tells me that I must furst run "Retrieve Catalog Records" function to get file.
I run Retrieve Catalog Records (ret-01) with output file name, date range 1/1/2000 to 6/1/2008
tag 856## subfield y . It runs for a long time.
TAsk Manager Batch Log shows that it started, and ended 25 mins later. I lists the parameters that I
included in the batch run. ie my file name.
I do not see ANY file produced in my print directory.
As stated in the p_ret_01 Help for the Output File parameter: "The file can be found later in the $alephe_scratch directory."
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013