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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    p_ret_adm_01 and call number ranges

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    I wanted to run p_ret_adm_01 for one of our sublibraries and for call number range E1 to E999, but have not been successful. I specified these parameters:

    code: LOC1
    filter 1: E1
    filter 2: E999

    The results I got, however, include call numbers outside of the range I specified and miss lots of records that are in the range. The first few entries on the report are:

    D21 .E186 1969
    E185.6 .B74
    E185.6 .W9 1969
    E169.1 .S5943
    HE18 1974 A5
    E178 .T965 X
    E185.97.R27 A82
    E185.97.R27 P44 1990
    PE1116.A3 C5
    PE1417 .A27 2002
    E176 .A23

    What is going on here?

    You have a wrong interpretation of how the filter parameters work for this job. You said that you wanted to run the job for "call number range E1 to E999", but the job does not do call number ranges. (The "2nd Call No. field" refers to the z30_call_no_2 field.)

    Instead, it does partial string matching. What you're getting in your result is exactly what the job is designed to produce. All of the "hits" from the job contain the string "E1" or the string "E999". The documentation says, "...the system will retrieve all records whose locations [call numbers] contain the string you enter" and that is what it has done: all the records retrieved contain one of the strings you entered. The ret-adm-01 job cannot be used to retrieve a call number range the way you wish to do it.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013