pc_com_transaction Note
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 17.01
Can you tell me what "Note" is supposed to be brought in by the entry in pc_tab_col.eng in the section pc_com_transaction?
PC_COM_TRANSACTION L Note 09 000 03 C03
We have never seen in entry in this column and are not sure what Note it's supposed to be. Our table entry is the same as USM's entry.
Content can be entered in this field by opening the Budget Transactions tab and clicking on the “Allocate” button. The last field on the “Allocate Transaction” window is this Note field.
The actual field is Z601_NOTE.
You could do a SQL check to see if you have ever entered content in that field. For example:
select Z601_REC_KEY, Z601_NOTE
from USM50.Z601
where Z601_NOTE IS NOT NULL;
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013