rest-dlf connecting on 1892 rather than 1891
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
After the original installation was done with ALEPH_SUB_PORT 2, ALEPH_SUB_PORT was changed to "1" and the /exlibris/aleph/u22_2/alephe/jboss_conf/ http.port was changed to "1891". But "wget localhost:1891/rest-dlf/test" is not working (while "wget localhost:1892/rest-dlf/test" *is* working.)
When the ./jboss_conf/ is changed, jbin has to be run to make it take effect.
> jbin [jbin is an alias]
> ./
> ./
> wget localhost:1891/rest-dlf/test [to confirm that it is now working].
Category: System Management (500)
- Article last edited: 7/30/2014