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    tab_expand related error messages in www_server logs

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We are getting two error messages in the www_server log files. The messages are:

    Error (expand_doc_hol_bib) : ABC60/ABC01 relation is not HOL
    Error: function BUF-Z403 missing program <expand_doc_hol_bib_usm>

    What is the source of these messages and can we do something to make them go away?

    These two error messages are unrelated. The first one ("Error (expand_doc_hol_bib) : ABC60/ABC01 relation is not HOL") is being displayed because the expand named, "expand_doc_hol_bib", should not appear anywhere in the BIB library's tab_expand table. Its purpose is to add BIB record fields into the display of a HOL record, so it only makes sense in the tab_expand for a HOL library.

    The other error ("Error: function BUF-Z403 missing program <expand_doc_hol_bib_usm>") is giving you the exact truth of the situation: there is no such program. The document entitled, "How to include the 856 field of the Holding record in the web OPAC full view of the bibliographic record" says (pretty much):

    "In order to have the 856 field (external link) of the holding record appear in the full view of the
    bibliographic record in the web OPAC, add the following line to the $data_tab/tab_expand of the
    bibliographic library:

    BUF-Z403 expand_doc_bib_hol_usm"

    This was probably just a typo, so you need to correct your tab_expand entry from expand_doc_hol_bib_usm to expand_doc_bib_hol_usm and you should be okay.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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