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    ue_01: "FUNCTION ERROR"; "Execution error:... update_long_heading.gnt"


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care




    ue_01 terminates with the following:

    <repeated hundreds of times>
    Execution error : file '/exlibris/aleph/a22_1/aleph/exe/update_long_heading.gnt'
    error code: 114, pc=0, call=1, seg=0

    When the z07 for the nnnnnnnnn record it was trying to process ("HANDLING DOC NO. - nnnnnnnnn") is deleted, ue_01 is able to process other z07's successfully.


    This problem is corrected by v22 rep_change 002294 / v23 rep_change 000034.


    [Old answer:]

    To locate the record in the run_e_01... log which the daemon stopped on:  go to the end of the log and enter "?HANDLING".  This will take you back up in the log to the last "HANDLING DOC NO" line preceding the start of the FUNCTION ERROR messages. 

    In this case the "FUNCTION ERROR" message was being produced by the io_z0102 program.  Diagnostics in that program pointed to a 651 field lacking a "$$" in front of the "a" subfield.  (see Additional Information below.)


    Additional Information

    [Old answer:]

    Diagnostics added to ./com_io/io_z0102 program :

                    WHEN OTHER
                        display "F-OP= " F-OP
                        display "Z0102-ACC-SEQUENCE= " Z0102-ACC-SEQUENCE
                        display "Z0102-REC-KEY-1 " Z0102-REC-KEY-1
                        DISPLAY "FUNCTION ERROR"

    showed this:

      Z0102-ACC-SEQUENCE= 000831781
      Z0102-REC-KEY-1 UTR_UQTR            SVM  LHISTOIRE 20E SIECLE                                     00001

    and that the field producing the "SVM  LHISTOIRE 20E SIECLE" heading was this:

    651#6 L aOutaouais (Québec)$$xHistoire$$y20e siècle

    Note that it lacks the "$$" in front of the "a" to indicate that it is a subfield.




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