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    ue_01 (ue_01_a) running very slowly; "More than 10000 entries"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    Our $data_scratch/run_e_01 logs show that ue_01 is processing most records in 1-3 seconds, but, for about 1/4 of the records, ue_01 is taking 4-12 *minutes*.
    For some (but not all) of these records that take a long time, we see messages such as the following:
    Case 1:  Note: More than 10000 entries for 0

    Case 2:  Note: More than 10000 entries for'  


    The message: "More than 10000 entries for" is issued by the ./com/update_long_heading program.
    This program reads all the Z01s which have the same Z01-ACC-CODE/Z01-ALPHA/Z01-FILING-TEXT as the ACC heading being indexed. **It does this regardless of how short the heading is.** That is, even if the heading is only three characters, it will read all the Z01s with the same first 75 bytes in the z01_rec_key.
    If there are more than 10,000, it will issue this message, but, in any case, it will sort the Z01s it has, up to 10,000. (*It is this sorting which takes all the time.*)


    Case 1:
    This is a problem for indexes like the ACC "LOC" and the "SH" (from tab11_acc):
    PST## LOC bc
    PST## SH  bchijk

    when the 852 has no call number and just the sublibrary code is being sent to the index.
    Example (from util f/1/29 for bib# 006314381):
    PST $$0Z30$$1006314381000010$$bSMU$$oBOOK$$eOR$$fN$$rSYS60-000000000
    LOC SMU $$bSMU
    SH SMU $$bSMU

    This results in thousands of LOC and SH headings with just "SMU".
    This problem was resolved by two changes:
    1. Commenting out the LOC index in tab11_acc -- since the WSB and WCL Word indexes serve the same purpose.
    2. Changing the SH line to include a "subfield filter", with "h" in column 3 (so that the field is indexed only if it actually contains a call number):
    PST## h SH bchijk
    The fact that there are thousands of existing LOC's and SH's with just the sublibrary is not a problem: the new rules are used and these old Z01's will just be ignored (and, of course, cleaned up with the next run of p_manage_02).


    Case 2:

    The problem was that the ./xxx01/tab/tab11_acc had this: 
    856## u -*webscri* URI u 
    This means that it's creating ACC Browse entries for all the 856's, like this: 
    85640 L $$u 

    It was determined that this "URI" Browse index was not actually being used.  Commenting out the 856 ... URI line in tab11_acc and restarting ue_01 corrected the problem.

    If it seems that the above is not the problem, check the Oracle indexes for the tables which are read/updated by ue_01. These are listed in SKB 8192-2329.

    • Article last edited: 18-Jan-2017