ue_01 count suddenly very high
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
The current count of SYS01 Z07s is over 413,000. Yesterday it was quite low (<100); more typical.
It seems that someone submitted a major job last night. We aren't quite sure what job, though. We don't see anything likely in task manager or in /exlibris/aleph/u18_1/alephe/scratch that seems likely.
This SQL (from KB 4093) shows that almost all the z07's are coming from JKL50:
sys01@ALEPH0> select substr (z07_history, 1,5), count(*) from z07 group by substr (z07_history, 1,5);
**** Hit return to continue ****
--------------- ----------
ABC50 295
DEF50 4
SYS60 452
GHI50 42
JKL50 404471
MNO50 433
PQR50 514
As described in KB 8192-2743, one of the primary possibilities for large numbers of ADM-generated Z07s is p_manage_62. I see a very large p_manage_62 for JKL50 in $alephe_scratch: jkl50_p_manage_62.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013