unable to unpack/load service pack 1738
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I just downloaded, using new util_sp ftp facility, onto a new server, a mirror of our live installation.
I have attempted to unpack the service pack, using util/sp/5/1 and it generated the following error:
Please select [0]: 1
Are you sure you want to install Service Pack 1738 Y/[N] Y
Could not find gcc prefix. Exiting.
press <Enter> to continue
at the previous step it had declared:
installation file detected
Service Pack 1738.
Binary SP file found for SunOS-old
Options fast = N initial = N
We've solved the problem by adding /usr/sfw/bin/ ahead of /usr/local/bin and moving /usr/sfw/lib in front of other gcc libraries in the PATH line in aleph_start. The SP is now installed (this was done while were testing).
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013