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    z37_hold_type = 'T" but no z370; unable to delete the request

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Currently this patron (21597000020057) has 4 holds listed for 2 titles. The 2 for "Black Jack" had the 99/99/9999 dates showing and I changed the dates to what are showing and tried to delete the holds. Confirm Delete box came up saying it is attached to a Title Request. I selected yes to delete. The 2 for "The secret servant" were 2 holds that I placed while testing for the "error in pickup sublibrary" problem. I did delete the holds and they did not show in the patron record this morning right after I deleted them. Another patron with the same problem is 21597000422840. The 2 holds for "Diary of a wimpy kid" had the 99/99/9999 date before I changed them trying to delete them.

    We want to delete these requests with the 99/99/9999 date, but get the message "Cannot delete a non active stop of Title Request" when we try to do so.

    The issue of 99/99/9999 dates in Title hold requests is discussed in KB 16384-25393.

    The following SQL shows hold request records which have an end-request date of 9999/99/99:

    SQL> abc50@ALEPH1> select z37_rec_key, z37_id from z37 where Z37_END_REQUEST_DATE = '99999999';

    This SQL shows that there are 32 cases of z37 records with z37_request_type = 'T' where there is no z370:

    SQL> select z37_id from z37 where z37_request_type = 'T' minus select z370_id from sys00.z370;

    It's unclear just how they got this way, but their current state is clearly erroneous. I changed the z37_request_type of these 32 requests from "T" to "H", via SQL. The site was then able to delete them.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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