z39_server: Command not found; z39_gate: Command not found
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
z39_server: Command not found" and "z39_gate: Command not found".
We had a problem with the rts32 executable being lost. We recreated it with create_rts. (See KB 16384-15458.)
But after doing that, the www_server, pc_server, etc., were giving the errors:
www_server: Command not found
pc_server: Command not found
The following commands created these xxx_server executables:
create pc_server
create www_server
create ncip_server
create oclc_server
create sip2_server
create slnp_server
create vst_server
But there is no "create_z39_server" or "create_z39_gate" command. And when we try to start those, we get "z39_server: Command not found" and "z39_gate: Command not found".
The z39_server and z39_gate executables are created by the following commands:
> asm z39
> compile_z39
(Prior to which, Ex Libris staff would need to do:
> apm
> source_decrypt_all <./alephm/source/z39 > <key> )
Please note, however, that, as described in KB 16384-15458, the above did not work and there were subsequent problems.
If you find that these create_..._server executables are missing, you should contact Ex Libris Support.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013