Analytics Evidence CN1 - Complete Separation of IZ and NZ, But Some E-Resources in IZ and Some in NZ
Some e-resources are in the Institutional Zone (IZ), while others are shared in the Network Zone (NZ) but there is a complete separation of the IZ and NZ in Analytics.
status: open
priority: high
subject area: e-inventory
resource management; consortia
Use Case:
Consortial users have to run reports in both the IZ and NZ instances of analytics to get complete information on electronic inventory, and in some cases (as with unique title lists) then have to dedup between the two.
This requires the use of software/workflow external to Alma and Analytics to manipulate the reports together and is not efficient.
The ability to run IZ and NZ inventory list in a single report that distinguishes the type of inventory held at the different levels is important for consortial users.
From the IGeLU-ELUNA Analytics Working Group, Analytics Evidence Document
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