Analytics Evidence PISA3 - Mapping of Created On, Created By, Modified On, Modified By Undocumented
Ex Libris needs to document how the following information is mapped to Analytics for bib and item records and address why it is missing in Analytics completely for holdings records in the Holding Details dimension: Created On, Created By, Modified On, Modified By.
SalesForce cases 177273, 459284
status: open
priority: high
subject area: physical items
resource management
Use Case:
Institutions sometimes obtain conflicting and/or inaccurate data because there is no clear mapping between Alma fields and Analytics.
Since the data does not map correctly (bib) or is not mapped at all (holdings) it is impossible to report on when a bib, item or holding was created or modified in Alma Analytics and by whom.
From the IGeLU-ELUNA Analytics Working Group, Analytics Evidence Document
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