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    Alma: Gale - Multiple links showing for an article or chapter in the same Gale collection

    • Product: Primo (with either Alma or SFX)
    • Product Version: all
    • Relevant for Installation Type: all

    Why am I seeing multiple links for a Primo article/chapter/reference entry going to the same Gale collection? 


    Update 2024-02-01: Gale have improved their title list generation to provide unique ISBN for each record in all their KBART files, which you can see at: This should resolve most, if not all, of the behavior as described in this article. We will evaluate this issue again in 90 days, and if it is completely resolved, we will remove this article.


    Many libraries have submitted cases to Ex Libris showing records from Primo that have multiple links going to the same Gale collection. For example: 


    We have determined that this issue occurs when there are multiple entries in a Gale title list for a particular title (which creates multiple records/portfolios in Alma or SFX) - usually this is because Gale split larger reference entries (for instance) into their separate volumes at different links. 

    Update 2023-10-05: Gale have identified a cause of this issue and plan to resolve the non-unique ISBNs issue by (approx) end of 2023. 

    Update 2023-05-01: Some Gale collections have updated title lists that have unique IDs per volume. See table below.

    Collection Name Alma Collection ID 360 DatabaseCode SFX Target Name SFX Target ID
    Gale In Context: Environmental Studies 611000000000002607 2XV GALE_IN_CONTEXT_ENVIRONMENTAL_STUDIES 1000000000002607
    Gale In Context: Global Issues 613790000000001664 KPI GALE_IN_CONTEXT_GLOBAL_ISSUES 3790000000001664
    Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints 611000000000000491 IOV GALE_IN_CONTEXT_OPPOSING_VIEWPOINTS 1000000000000491
    Gale In Context: U.S. History 611000000000000489 IHI GALE_IN_CONTEXT_US_HISTORY 1000000000000489
    Gale Literature Resource Center 61111031861411000 ILR GALE_LITERATURE_RESOURCE_CENTER 111031861411000

    Update 2023-01-10: We see this "multiple identical links" issue show up primarily in the "In Context" products. Gale is working on generating new title lists for the In Context products that will contain additional information, such as additional identifiers, that we believe will address this issue. We expect these new lists to be available in Q1 2023. 


    • Article last edited: 01-Feb-2024