Aleph to Alma AutoExtract Migration
- Migration Tool path on MFT (secure file) server
- Credentials for MFT access for file download
- Links to the following documents:
- APAC customers: (APAC-DC05) or (APAC-DC07). The relevant connection info should be supplied by your Professional Services.
- EU customers: (EU-DC03) or (EU-DC03) . The relevant connection info should be supplied by Professional Services.
- NA customers: (NA-DC01) or (NA-DC04) . The relevant connection should be supplied by Professional Services.
- CANADA customers:
- CHINA customers:
- Tablespace - Our recommendation for TS1 is 2 GB per million bibliographic records.
- Disk space - Each million bibliographic records expected to be extracted require 10 GB of disk space. If you contracted for ADAM migration (digital objects), add to this calculation the ADAM current diskspace * 2, for example:
- Expected number of bibliographic records = 4 Million
- ADAM objects DiskSpace = 3GB
- Total required diskspace = (4*10) + (3*2) = 46GB
Downloading and Installing the AutoExtract Tool
- Log in as the aleph user.
- Create the following directory for storing the zip file you download (if re-installing the tool is needed, first clean the path):
>> mkdir /exlibris/zip_from_exlibris/aleph2alma_migration
- Download the tool from the MFT server, as described in the email sent from Ex Libris. Unzip the package
>> unzip
- Move to the desired ADM library, for example:
>> dlib xxx50
- Run the utility
>> aleph2alma_menuThe main menu is displayed:Aleph2Alma Migration Tool - Main Menu
A. Install the Aleph2Alma Migration Tool
B. Generate the initial Aleph Migration Form
C. Validate the P2E file
D. Extract the Aleph Data
E. Check Status
F. Package the Extracted Data
G. Transfer the Packaged Data
H. Extract Historical Loans - Select A Install the Aleph2Alma Migration Tool.
- Confirm the installation execution.
Start installation? (Y/N) [N]: Y
- Confirm the ADM.
You are connected to the Adm xxx50. Is this the correct library? (Y/N) YIf this is not the ADM library that you want to extract, answer No, exit the menu, and use the dlib command to move to the ADM library that you want.After confirming the ADM library, the setup begins:Installing Aleph2Alma migration tool. This may take several minutes. Please wait.Do not exit while the setup is running or you will have to re-install the tool. If you encountered a problem in the installation process, contact Ex Libris.
Generate and Validate the Initial Aleph Migration Form
- Select option B in the main menu. The following is displayed:
Generate and validate the initial Aleph Migration Form
1. Create the Aleph Migration Form
2. Validate the Aleph Migration Form
3. Create a Dummy Migration Form
Please select an option [exit]: - Select option 1. (For information regarding option 3. Create a Dummy Migration Form, see Create a Test Migration Form and Run the Extract).
- Confirm the library. The following message is displayed:
Generating the initial Aleph Migration Form. This may take several minutes. Please wait.
Still running ...When generating the Aleph Migration Form, if the AlephMigrationForm.xlsm migration form file already exists in the alephe_tab directory, the extract kit generates the new migration form already filled in with the answers from the old form. This can be useful before cutover when generating the new migration form. The questions and answers can be generated from the testload form.The generated form, AlephMigrationForm.xlsm, can be found in the active $alephe_tab directory. - Staff Librarians should fill in the downloaded migration form.
- The first validation of the migration form is done after staff librarians fill in the migration form, using the migration form Validation Tool. For more information, see Validating the ILS Migration Form. The first validation step checks for consistency in question answering and making sure all mandatory questions are answered.
- The second stage of migration form Validation is done on the Aleph server, before the extract by the system librarian. The second validation stage compares the responses in the form with the values in the Aleph database. To begin the second step of Aleph migration form validation, upload the migration form to your active $alephe_tab directory. Open the menu again.
(dlib xxx5x, aleph2alma_migration).
- Select option B in the main menu and then option 2, in order to validate the migration form.
- Confirm the library:
Validate the initial Aleph Migration Form
You are connected to the Adm MAN50. Is this the correct library? (Y/N) Y
The Aleph Migration Form validation is running. Please wait...
Validate the P2E File
- Create the file according to the instructions in the Aleph to Alma Migration Guide.
- Place the file under the active $alephe_tab directory and name it: e_resource_input.csv
- Run the kit and Select option C from the main menu.
- Correct any errors regarding the format or the electronic type in the file, for example:
- Format error of bibliographic key in line 1: 12345-ABC01
- Not allowed type in line 2: Xortfolio
- Multiple mapping for BCL01000513913 in line 5: [DB, Portfolio]
Setup and Data Extract
- Place the approved migration form under the active $alephe_tab directory and name it:
- Place the validated P2E file under the active $alephe_tab directory and name it:
- Select option D in the Aleph to Alma utility menu The following menu is displayed:
Please select the data required:
1. All areas
2. Fulfillment only (Patron/Request/Loan)
Please select an option [exit]: - Select the data required. If the status of the migration is not fulfillment cutover, select option 1.
- If you select option 2, the following is displayed:
Only Patron/Request/Loan will be extracted. Correct? (Y/N)
- Enter Y or N.
If you answer Y, only the circulation area (patrons/loan/requests) is extracted.If you answer N or press Enter, you return to the main menu.
- Confirm running the extract.
Start the extract? (Y/N) [N]: Y
- Confirm the following:
- ADM library
You are connected to the Adm xxx50. Is this the correct library? (Y/N) Y
- The directory (with enough pre-requisite disk space) in which the extracted data will be placed. (A default directory is recommended.)
Enter the root path for the extracted output files [/exlibris/aleph/u20_1/xxx50/scratch]:
- An optional email address to which a message email is sent when each area’s process is completed and a summary email is sent when all areas are completed.
Enter your email address to receive notifications about the status of the extract processes:
- ADM library
Searching for other scheduled jobs. Please wait...
Still searching ............
For more information view the following log:
For more information view the following log: /exlibris/aleph/a20_4/tmp/urm_heavy_jobs_32135_20150514_171449/urm_sched_aleph_heavy_24h.log
========== ======= =========== =========== =========
ADAM Success 2013-OCT-02 2013-OCT-02 1
09:37:31 09:37:55
CALENDAR Success 2013-OCT-02 2013-OCT-02 208
09:37:31 09:37:45
CODE_TABLE Success 2013-OCT-02 2013-OCT-02 10
09:37:14 09:38:03
COURSE Process 2013-OCT-02 2000
E_RESOURCE Process 2013-OCT-02 20000
FUND Process 2013-OCT-02 0
FUND_TX Process 2013-OCT-02 0
INVENTORY Success 2013-OCT-02 2013-OCT-02 1860
09:29:48 09:37:13
INVOICE Pending 0
Package and Transfer Extracted Files
- Open the Utility menu and select option F. Package the Extracted Data.
- Confirm the ADM Library:
You are connected to the Adm xxx50. Is this the correct library? (Y/N)
- Select the data required for packaging. If the status of the migration is not fulfillment cutover, select option 1.
Please select the data required: 1. All areas 2. Fulfillment only (Patron/Request/Loan)
- Enter the directory in which the extracted data is placed. This must be the same directory that you entered in step 3 of Setup and Data Extract (if you selected the default directory, use the default directory here as well by pressing Enter).
Enter the path of the location of the extracted data [/exlibris/aleph/u20_1/xxx50/scratch]: The process may take several minutes.
- After the extract is completed, the extracted data is placed in the transfer directory. This directory is located as the subdirectory urm/extract/urm_xxx50/transfer under the path you entered above (the default location of the transfer directory is /exlibris/aleph/uXX_x/xxx50/scratch/urm/extract/urm_xxx50/transfer).
- Open the Utility menu and select option G. Transfer the Packaged Data.
- Confirm the ADM Library:
You are connected to the Adm xxx50. Is this the correct library? (Y/N) Y
- Select the data required for packaging. If the status of the migration is not fulfillment cutover, select option 1.
Please select the data required: 1. All areas 2. Fulfillment only
- Select the MFT server to which the data will be transferred, according to your region:
Select the mft server by the optional regions: 1.APAC 2.EUR 3.USA 4.CANADA 5.CHINA Please select your region:
If you have more than one Data Center (DC) in your region, you are asked to select the relevant DC sent to you by your Ex Libris representative.
If your region is USA, you are asked to select either the DC01 or the DC04 data center.Libris Secured File serverIf your region is EUR, you are asked to select either the DC03 or the DC06 data center.
- You are asked to enter your stfp user name and password. Use your SalesForce credentials. Copy and paste the key from the link sent to you by Ex Libris. Below is an example of the key you are asked to insert.
Enter your password:
If the connection cannot be established you will get the following message: Cannot establish connection to the mft server requested. Do you want to try again resetting your password? (Y/N) [N] - Enter the directory in which the extracted data will be placed. This must be the same directory that you entered in step 3 of Setup and Data Extract (if you selected the default directory, use the default directory here as well by pressing Enter).
Enter the path of the location of the extracted data [/exlibris/aleph/u20_1/xxx50/scratch]:
- Enter your email address to receive notifications about the status of the transfer process.
Enter your email address to receive notifications about the status of the transfer process (* mandatory *):After entering your email address, the data transfer begins.Data is being transferred. You will be notified by e-mail when done.
- The data is transferred securely using a secure file transfer protocol.
- The data transfer process can take up to 48 hours to complete, depending on the size of your data and your Internet connection speed. The functioning of Aleph is not affected by this process running in the background, and your normal work in Aleph can proceed in parallel. If the process does not complete within 60 hours, contact Ex Libris.
Fulfillment Cutover
- Move to the desired ADM library (dlib xxx50) and open the main menu by entering the following:
>> aleph2alma_menu
- Select option D in the Aleph to Alma utility menu. The following is displayed:
Please select the data required:
1. All areas
2. Fulfillment only (Patron/Request/Loan) - Select option 2:
Only Patron/Request/Loan will be extracted. Correct? (Y/N)
- Enter Y to start the fulfillment cutover (default is N). The Monitor screen appears.
- After the extract completes, pack the data and transfer it as described in the sections above. For both packing and transferring the data, select the data required as Fulfillment only.
Extract Historical Loans
Create a Test Migration Form and Run the Extract
- An estimation of how long the extract will take (relevant for a single institution run)
- If the Aleph installation meets all of the requirements for extract
The data exported in a test extract is not useful, and cannot be loaded to Alma. Further, the test migration does not make any attempt to move data to the MFT. MFT access should be tested separately.
Cobol License Issue
- Log to the server as the root user.
- Run the following command:
>> /etc/mflmrcscript
- Log on again as the aleph user and run option A.
Oracle 12 Issue
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17998], [2], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17998], [2], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
+ stack trace…
- Log in as the oracle user.
- rm -rf $ORACLE_BASE/diag/plsql
- mkdir $ORACLE_BASE/diag/plsql
- Reinstall the kit.
Copying the MFT SSH_KEY
In the extract process, you are asked to copy the ssh_key given to you by your Ex Libris representative. If you do not copy the entire key, the data is not packaged and transferred. If this situation occurs, do the following:
- Close the extract menu.
- Copy the entire content of the ssh_key (including the first and last "BEGIN"/"END" lines) and paste it into a text file in Windows.
- Save the file with the following name: your generated MFT UserName + _urm_sftp_ssh_key (without any suffix). For example, if your MFT user name = MyGenUsrName, the ssh_key file is named: MyGenUsrName_urm_sftp_ssh_key.
- Copy the ssh_key file to the Aleph server in the location where the Aleph2Alma kit was placed in the $alephm_proc directory.
- Open a putty session to your Aleph server, and go to the $alephm_proc directory. Set permissions to your ssh_key file: chmod 600 MyGenUsrName_urm_sftp_ssh_key.
- Rerun the extract menu. This time you are not asked to insert the ssh_key.