The procedure for migrating from the Libero Integrated Library system to Ex Libris’ Alma consists of the following steps:
- Indicate which local fields correspond to Ex Libris' expected fields using the Libero Field Mapping form, prior to data delivery (customer responsibility).
- Validate the flat files using Ex Libris’ validation tool Excel. It is recommended that this step be done against a small sub-set of data to ensure that the header of each of your flat files and the filled in field mapping form match each other.
- Extract the relevant data elements from Libero into flat files (customer responsibility).
- Upload the files to Ex Libris’ FTP server along with the Libero Delivered Files form and the executed/validated Non-ExLibris to Alma Validation Tool (customer responsibility).
- Transform the data elements, based on the Libero Field Mapping form, into an intermediate conversion XML format (Ex Libris responsibility).
- Load the transformed data into Alma (Ex Libris responsibility).
Deliver the
Libero Field Mapping form and validated data validation output to Ex Libris along with the
Libero Migration Form prior to the actual delivery of the data. The lead time depends on your project schedule. Provide the
Libero Delivered Files form, which lists the file names and the record counts for each file, at the same time that you provide your data extract files.
For all files, the maximum file size is 2GB.
Provide the Libero data elements in flat files, and place them on an Ex Libris FTP server. Prepare the data files with the naming conventions as described in
Appendix – FTP Drop Point Delivery and Form.
DO NOT OPEN/UPDATE any delimited file extracts you provide to Ex Libris in Excel. This may ruin the appropriate delimiter formatting and text formatting and may result in corrupted data.
Requested Files from Libero
Ex Libris expects a certain set of files to be exported from Libero. The general expected file deliveries are listed below. The data elements listed for each are those that Ex Libris expects to use in conversion. Some data elements may exist in Libero but are not necessary to bring to Alma.
The scope of your specific conversion is agreed upon in your Alma contract.
As you extract data from any area below, provide it to Ex Libris via an FTP connection. This facilitates the transformation analysis and expedites the conversion process. Information on the FTP connection is provided by Ex Libris. For more information, see
Appendix – FTP Drop Point Delivery and Form.
- Bibliographic records – Bibliographic records are expected in MARC21 format. Ex Libris expects these records to be exported from the bibliographic utility BSZ.
- BSZ-to-Libero mapping file – A translation file mapping the BSZ identification number to the Libero identification number. This file also includes an indication if the bibliographic record is suppressed from public view.
- Holdings records – Alma requires MARC Holdings records. We expect to receive a MARC Holding file from BSZ that contains holdings records for some, but not all bibliographic records. Ex Libris will retain only those holdings records with serial summary information (866 tags). Additionally, the holding records from BSZ do not link to Libero item records.
- Physical Inventory (item) records – Ex Libris expects two item files: a main item file and a secondary call number file. Additionally, if purchase orders are NOT being migrated, the item order information can be included in the item record as a note.
- Serials information – Ex Libris expects seven different files related to serials. All of the data elements in the serials files will be placed in a note in the first MARC holding record found on the related bibliographic record.
- Electronic Resources (P2E file) – Most non-Alma ILS systems store records for both physical and electronic items in the same format, which is a physical format. Alma has different record formats for electronic and physical items. Provide a list of bibliographic records that represent electronic materials so they can be converted to electronic format after migration to Alma. The possible types of electronic resources are packages, databases, and portfolios. The identification number in this file is expected as a BSZ identifier.
- Patrons – Ex Libris expects four different patron files from Libero. Ex Libris will combine the files into a single file to generate a patron record in Alma. In order to migrate any area of fulfillment (fines/ fees, loans, requests), all patrons must be migrated.
- Loans – generated from the circulation transaction extract for active loans only, from Libero.
- Fines/Fees – generated from the fine/fee extract from Libero. The migration programs will generate fines in Alma for those fines/fees with an outstanding balance. Closed fines/fee transactions will not be migrated.
- Requests – generated from the request extract from Libero. The migration programs will generate a request record only for those requests that are on the shelf waiting for pickup.
- Vendors – migrated from the vendor extract from Libero.
- Funds – generated for the current fiscal year based on a single list of funds; allocation transactions are generated for the current fiscal year only.
- Purchase Orders – migrated from the purchase order extract from Libero. Encumbrance transactions are generated for the current fiscal year only.
Expected File Formats
With the exception of bibliographic and holdings records which are expected in MARC format, all files are expected in CSV format with one record per line, fields delimited by quotes and commas, and multiple values within fields delimited by quotes and semicolons (for example two levels of address or multiple barcode values).
Libero Field Mapping Form
Prior to submitting your extracted files, complete the
Libero Field Mapping form. Indicate which data elements (files) you plan to provide in the Overview tab of the spreadsheet. On the subsequent tabs, indicate your local Libero field names and how they map to our expected field names.
Even when the name of the field provided is the same as that listed in the ExL Expected field name, the Local field name column for the fields being provided must still be filled in.
In addition, there are various note fields for each data element. For fields that are not expected by Ex Libris – meaning, there is no functional place for the data element in the corresponding Alma data structure – place the field in a note in the record. Specify which note type you want the field to go to at the bottom of each tab in the
Libero Field Mapping form.
Libero Delivered Files Form
At the time you submit the requested data files, submit the completed Libero Delivered Files Form. List the files, record counts, and encoding for each file delivered to the FTP server.
Bibliographic Records
Bibliographic records are expected in MARC format, usually extracted from the bibliographic utility BSZ. Standard MARC is preferred, but files in MARCXML format are also acceptable. The character encoding expected from BSZ is UTF-8 or MARC8. Deliver all files with the same character encoding.
If you use standard 7XX fields for linking between bibliographic records, this is leveraged during migration. If the relationships are based on your bibliographic record system numbers, provide the field that contains these system numbers in the migration form.
If you have loaded SFX MARCIt records into BSZ, it is recommended that they not be included in the bibliographic record export to avoid unnecessary duplication with records loaded directly from SFX. If you want Ex Libris to detect and not migrate the SFX records, ensure that a 035 |a field with (SFX) in the field content is provided, so that the records can be identified, and answer No to the question about SFX bibliographic record on the Questionnaire tab of the
Libero Migration Form.
Link between BSZ and Libero + Suppressed Records
Since the bibliographic records are coming from BSZ and the rest of the data is coming from Libero, Ex Libris requires a translation file for the BSZ ID and the Libero ID. Additionally, in this file, provide a column indicating whether or not the record should be suppressed from public view. We expect the following fields for this file:
- The bibliographic record identifier from BSZ
- The related identifier from Libero (used to link to items, loans, orders, etc.)
- An indication if the bibliographic record should be suppressed
Holding records can be migrated or generated from Libero in three different ways:
- From the MARC holding file extracted from BSZ. Items do not attach to these records, because the holding records do not have local holding codes
- From a bibliographic tag, such as an 866, with summary holdings statements (optional)
- From information in the item records, if the item is not already attached to a record from a bibliographic tag
MARC Holdings
As part of the BSZ extract, provide holdings records in MARC format. Ex Libris expects that the MARC holdings will not have location information, so all MARC holdings from BSZ will be given a default location code. They will be attached to the correct bibliographic record, but no item records will be attached to the holdings. In other words, the MARC holdings records from BSZ will be migrated as standalone holding records.
On migration, Ex Libris will remove the contents of the 852 $a in MARC holdings records. If you want to preserve the information in the 852 $a, move it to a separate subfield prior to delivery for migration.
If multiple 852 fields exist in a MARC holding record, the first 852 field is used and the subsequent fields are changed to 952. If a single 852 tag has multiple $b (library) and/or $c (location) subfields, only the first instances of those two subfields are used and the extra $b and $c are moved to $v and $w.
Holdings From a Bib Tag
If there is information in a field embedded in the bibliographic record, the migration programs can generate a holdings record from it. Fill in the values of the following fields in the Holdings tab of the
Libero Field Mapping Form. If the SUMM_LIB_CODE and SUMM_LOC_CODE match an existing holding record on the same bibliographic record, even a holdings record that was generated from items attached to the same holdings record, then the summary holdings statement will be attached to that holdings record, regardless of the call number. In other words, the summary holdings record will be placed on the holdings record with the same library and location, even if 852_SUBFIELDS_FOR_HOL contains call number subfields for matching like
bchi. If there is no existing holdings record on the bibliographic record with the same location, a new holdings record is generated.
Expected Field Name |
Value |
Notes |
Five characters; tag+2 indicators. May use # as wildcard, for example, 866## |
Multiple subfields allowed, e.g. abz. May use # to indicate all subfields. |
Textual call number to be used in all newly generated holdings records if desired. |
A single subfield code (like 'a') which contains a library code in local ILS format. Do NOT enter a different bib tag. The migration program searches for a subfield within the SUMM_TAG bib tag. |
A single subfield code (like 'a') which contains a location code in local ILS format. Do NOT enter a different bib tag. The migration program searches for a subfield within the SUMM_TAG bib tag. |
If SUMM_LIB_SUBF is not provided or the subfield is not found, this is used for all records as a default. Provide a library code in local ILS format. |
If SUMM_LOC_SUBF is not provided or the subfield is not found, this is used for all records as a default. Provide a location code in local ILS format. |
Public note, will be placed in 852 $z of the generated holding record |
Non-public note, will be placed in 852 $x of the generated holding record |
Item information is expected to be provided in two different files:
- The main item file, delivered in CSV format. This file will include a Libero bibliographic ID, and Ex Libris will use the Libero ID to BSZ ID file to attach the item to the correct BSZ bib record.
- A secondary file containing multiple call numbers for each item, also delivered in CSV format.
The following table lists the expected fields for item migration. If your item fields have different contents, indicate the subfield mapping in the Bibs& Items tab of the
Libero Field Mapping Form.
The mappings indicated in the Notes column below are found in the
Libero Migration Form. See the accompanying
Libero to Alma Migration Guide for instructions on how to complete this form.
Expected Field Name |
Notes |
Libero Identnummer Titeldaten = Libero ID (Title) |
links to bib-ID |
Barcode = Item barcode |
links to loan, request and fine files |
Signatur = Item call number |
Used for the item’s main call number. This call number will be used for generating the holding record if necessary, or matching against the holding record call number if 852_subfields_for_hol includes call number subfields (like bch). |
Exemplar-Richtlinie = Item Policy/Item Type |
use item type map on Migration Form (1st column) |
Exemplar-status = Item Status |
use itemBaseStatus map |
Bibliotek = Library |
use Alma Location map on Migration Form |
Standort = Location |
use Alma Location map on Migration Form |
Alternative call number |
This call number is from the alternative call number file. Also, this will be placed in ITEM_CALL_NO.
If 852_subfields_for_hol = bc, and an extra call number ("Item call number") might be placed in ITEM_CALL_NO according to descriptions in "Determining Groups for Holding Record Creation/Matching" and "Changing the Holding Record Grouping/Matching" in the Libero to Alma Migration Guide, then this call number (Alternative Call Number) takes precedence over the extra Item Call number.
Gesamtanzahl Ausleihen = Total no. of loans |
To see this value in Alma, search for the item under 'Physical Items' and on the results list click 'Other details'. |
Datum der letzten Rückgabe = Date of the last return |
To see this value in Alma, search for the item under 'Physical Items' and on the results list click 'Other details'. |
Medientyp = Material type |
use item type map on Migration Form (2nd column) |
Inventory Price/Replacement Cost
Inventory Price/Replacement Cost
Expected Field Name |
Notes |
Ersatzkosten = Replacement price |
Both fields may be filled with the local ‘Ersatzkosten’ field from Libero if desired. The REPLACEMENT_COST will be used to assess fines if the item is lost. |
Secondary Call Number File (mehrfachsignaturen)
Secondary Call Number File (mehrfachsignaturen)
Expected Field Name |
Notes |
Signatur = Call number |
The field from the secondary item file containing call numbers. Ja = call number goes to Item AltCallNumber field; Nein = call number goes to note field |
Hauptsignatur-Kennzeichnung = Main call # indication |
1 = Yes, 0 =No |
Any additional fields not listed above can be put into notes. The possible note fields in Alma items are listed in the following chart in the Note Name column. The subfields listed in the Default Local Subfield column are those that are expected by Ex Libris. If you use other field names or have subfields that you want to include in the migration, but are not expected by Ex Libris, you can rearrange, add, or subtract fields in the Default Local Subfield column as necessary. The text in the Note Label column is used as a prefix to the subfield contents and can be modified, as desired. If you want to include multiple local fields in the same Alma note, copy the line in the spreadsheet as many times as needed for all note name/local field combinations.
Note Name |
Note Label |
Ausleihnotiz = Loan note |
Exemplarnotiz intern = Internal note |
Haushaltskostenstelle = Fund code |
Anzahl der Teile im Medienpaket = No. of items in media package |
Ausgabebezeichnung = Edition |
Medientyp = Material type |
Letzter Ausleiher (Benutzernummer Ausleihdatum) = Last borrower (user ID and loan date) |
Zweitletzter Ausleiher (Benutzernummer Ausleihdatum) = Second to last borrower |
Fünftletzter Ausleiher (Benutzernummer Ausleihdatum) = Fifth to last borrower |
Viertletzter Ausleiher (Benutzernummer Ausleihdatum) = Fourth to last borrower |
Drittletzter Ausleiher (Benutzernummer Ausleihdatum) = Third to last borrower |
Statistik (DBS) = Statistics (DBS) |
Secondary Item File
There may be cases where the customer wishes to provide item descriptive information in a secondary file. Examples of this may be that the customer has a description in the format of Vol. 12 No. 2 (2015 January), but Alma works best when the enumeration and chronology information are without labels and in separate fields.
If desired, the secondary item file should be provided in csv format, with the following fields:
Expected Field Name |
Notes |
itemKey |
Provide either itemKey or itemBarcode, but not both. If both are provided, itemKey is preferred. |
itemBarcode |
In a format like: "Vol. 12, No. 6 (February 2015)" |
EnumA |
For example, "12" |
EnumB |
For example, "6" |
EnumC |
EnumD |
EnumE |
EnumF |
EnumG |
EnumH |
ChronI |
For example, "2015" |
ChronJ |
For example, "2" |
ChronK |
ChronL |
ChronM |
Serial information
Serial information is expected to be provided in seven different files:
- Serials acronyms & frequency
- Serials notes (financial)
- Serials notes (distribution)
- Serials notes (general notes)
- Serials notes (other notes)
- Serials notes (Receiving note)
- Serials notes (subscriptions)
All of the above files are linked together by the Libero bibliographic identifier. All files are expected in CSV format. Only one field is currently expected in the serial files: the Libero Title ID. Other fields are placed in the notes fields. Indicate which fields are expected in the Serials tab of the
Libero Field Mapping Form.
Expected Field Name |
Notes |
RSN = Libero Title ID |
Bibliotek = Library |
Library, location, and summary statement were not found in the Libero serials files, but they are options if the customer can retrieve them.
Standort = Location |
Übersicht = Summary statement |
Any additional fields not listed above can be put into notes. The possible note fields in Alma items are listed in the following chart in the Note Name column. The subfields listed in the Default Local Subfield column are those that are expected by Ex Libris. If you use other field names or have fields that you want to include in the migration, but are not expected by Ex Libris, you can rearrange, add, or subtract fields in the Local field column as necessary. If you want to include multiple local fields in the same Alma note, copy the line in the spreadsheet as many times as needed for all note name/local field combinations.
Information in the NON_PUBLIC_NOTE will be placed in an 852 $x of the holding record. Information in the PUBLIC_NOTE will be placed in an 852 $z of the holding record.
Note Name |
Local Field |
Zeitschriftenakronym = Acronym for serial |
Erscheinungs-Frequenz = Frequency |
Medientyp = Material type |
ZS_Finanznotiz = Serials note |
verteilungsnotizen/Notiz = Note |
ZS_Allgemeine Notizen = Note |
andere-notizen/Notiz = Note |
Verarbeitungsnotizen = Receiving note |
Abo_Notizen = Subscription note |
Electronic Identification (P2E)
Provide a list of Libero bibliographic system numbers that represent electronic resources and an indication if these electronic resources are portfolios, packages, or database resources. The list should be a comma separated text file containing lines that represent each e-resource. The bibliographic identifier in this file is expected as a BSZ identifier. The format of each line is as follows: <bibnumber>,<resource type>
For example:
The words portfolio, package, and db are not case-sensitive; therefore, both portfolio and Portfolio are acceptable.
Fulfillment (Patrons and Circulation)
Extract all patrons. Provide the patron files in csv format. The following files are expected:
- general user file
- user Address file
- additional info file
- user notes (used only for notes)
The fields in the following table are expected. Indicate the local field names for the expected fields in the Patrons tab of the
Libero Field Mapping Form.
Field Name |
Notes |
Nachname = Last name |
Vorname = First name |
Anrede = Title |
Geburtsdatum = Birth date |
Geschlecht = Gender |
Benutzerkategorie = User category/group (code) |
Use the “User Group” map in the migration form |
From the user address file |
Straße = Street |
Straße Zusatz = Street additional info. |
Stadt = City |
Postleitzahl = Postal code |
Land = Country |
The migration programs do not standardize this country name. If country is provided, it must be a three-letter ISO country code, which can be found here |
Straße Adresse 2 = Street 2nd address |
Straße Zusatz = Street 2nd address additional info. |
Stadt Adresse 2 = City 2nd address |
Postleitzahl Adresse 2 = Postal code 2nd address |
Land Adresse 2 = Country 2nd address |
Straße Adresse 3 = Street 3rd address |
Straße Zusatz Adresse 3 = Street 3rd address additional info. |
Stadt Adresse 3 = City 3rd address |
Postleitzahl Adresse 3 = Postal code 3rd address |
Land Adresse 3 = Country 3rd address |
E-Mail = Email address |
private Telefonnummer = Phone number (Home) |
Mobilnummer = Phone number (Mobile) |
geschäftliche Telefonnummer = Phone number (Work) |
From the User Additional Information file |
Benutzerstatuscode = user status |
Benutzerstatuscode Beschreibung = Status code description |
Use the User Block map in the Migration Form |
Anmeldedatum = first seen on |
Ablaufdatum = expiration date |
if empty, migration programs fill in conversion date + 1 year |
letztes Änderungsdatum = last modified date |
Any additional fields not listed above are not functional and can be put into notes. The possible note fields in Alma items are listed in the following chart in the Note Name column. The fields listed in the Default Local Field column are those that are expected by Ex Libris. If you use other field names or have fields that you want to include in the migration, but are not expected by Ex Libris, you can rearrange, add, or subtract fields on the right, as necessary. If you want to include multiple local fields in the same Alma note, copy the line in the spreadsheet as many times as needed for all note name/local field combinations.
Note Name |
Default Local Field |
OTHER_NOTE is set as user viewable by the migration programs |
User Identifiers
There can be a number of fields in the patron record that are user identifiers. The types of identifiers that are available for migration into Alma are listed in the left column. The typical expected field names from Libero are in the right column. Change the field names and/or order of the right column to suit your library’s extract. The values in the left column cannot be changed. Use the values in the left column to select the appropriate primary identifier in the
Questionnaire tab of the
Libero Migration Form.
Alma Identifier Type |
Librero Field Name |
Benutzernummer = User ID |
Active Loans
Extract only current circulation transactions, in csv format.
The fields in the following table are expected. Indicate the local field names for the expected fields in the
Loans tab of the
Libero Field Mapping Form.
Field Name |
Notes |
Benutzernummer = User ID |
matches user ID in patron file |
Barcode = Item barcode |
matches barcode in item file |
Ausleihdatum = Loan date |
Fälligkeitsdatum = Due date |
Ausleihstatus = Loan status |
Anzahl Verlängerungen = No. of renewals |
Migration uses this to check for renewal status. If you want to keep the number of renewals, also put this in the note field |
Signatur = Call number of the item |
Titel = Title (of the loaned material) |
Any additional fields not listed above can be put into notes. The possible note fields in Alma items are listed in the following chart in the Note Name column. The fields listed in the Default Local Field column are those that are expected by Ex Libris. If you use other field names or have fields that you want to include in the migration, but are not expected by Ex Libris, you can rearrange, add, or subtract fields on the right, as necessary.
Note Name |
Default Local Field |
Mahnstufe = Overdue notice level |
Mahndatum = Overdue notice date |
Libero Identnr. Titel – RSN = Libero ID (Title) |
Anzahl Verlängerungen = No. of renewals |
Extract active hold requests, in csv format. Active hold requests are those that are on the hold shelf, waiting for pickup.
The fields in the following table are expected. Indicate the local field names for the expected fields in the Requests tab of the
Libero Field Mapping Form.
Field Name |
Notes |
Benutzernummer = User ID |
matches User Id in patron file |
Barcode der Exemplarvormerkung = Item barcode |
matches barcode in item file |
Request status date = Datum Status Im Vormerkregal |
User name = Nutzername |
Bereitstellungsdatum = On hold user notification date |
Bereitstellungszweigstelle = Library that has the item on hold |
Any additional fields not listed above can be put into notes. The possible note fields in Alma items are listed in the following chart in the Note Name column. The fields listed in the Default Local Field column are those that are expected by Ex Libris. If you use other field names or have fields that you want to include in the migration, but are not expected by Ex Libris, you can rearrange, add, or subtract fields on the right, as necessary.
Note Name |
Default Local Field |
Benachrichtigungsart = Type of notification (“Hauspost” = Office delivery) |
Extract only outstanding fine/fee transactions, in csv format. Outstanding fine/fees are those with an active balance that still needs to be paid.
The fields in the following table are expected. Indicate the local field names for the expected fields in the
Fines & Fees tab of the
Libero Field Mapping Form.
Field Name |
Notes |
Benutzernummer = User ID |
Matches user Id in patron file |
Transaktionsdatum = Transaction date |
Gebührentyp-Code = Fine/fee transaction type (code) |
Use Fine Fee Type map in Migration Form |
Gebührenbetrag = Fee amount |
Barcode = Item barcode |
Matches barcode in item file |
Titel = Title of the bibliographic record |
Any additional fields not listed above can be put into notes. The possible note fields in Alma items are listed in the following chart in the Note Name column. The fields listed in the Default Local Field column are those that are expected by Ex Libris. If you use other field names or have fields that you want to include in the migration, but are not expected by Ex Libris, you can rearrange, add, or subtract fields on the right, as necessary.
Note Name |
Default Local Field |
Transaktionszeit = Transaction time |
Mahngrund mit Datum = Fee description incl. Date |
Provide the vendor file in csv format. The fields in the following table are expected. Indicate the local field names for the expected fields in the
Vendors tab of the
Libero Field Mapping Form.
Field Name |
Notes |
Lieferantencode = Vendor code |
Lieferantenname = Vendor name |
Abteilung = Department |
Firma (Alternativadresse 1) = Company (alternative address 1) |
Straße mit Hausnummer = Street name and number |
Postfach = PO box |
Postleitzahl = Postal code |
Stadt = City |
Telefonnummer geschäftlich = Phone number (Work) |
Faxnummer = Fax number |
Anrede Ansprechpartner = Contact person title |
Ansprechpartner Vorname = Contact person first name |
Ansprechpartner Nachname = Contact person last name |
E-Mail = Email address |
Steuernummer = Tax number |
Firma (Alternativadresse) = Company (alternative address) |
Abteilung (Alternativadresse) = Department (alternative address) |
Straße mit Hausnummer (Alternativadresse) = Street name and number (alternative address) |
Postleitzahl (Alternativadresse) = Postal code (alternative address) |
Stadt (Alternativadresse) = City (alternative address) |
Staat (Alternativadresse) = Country (alternative address) |
Ansprechpartner (Alternativadresse) = Contact person (alternative address) |
E-Mail (Alternativadresse) = Email (alternative address) |
Telefonnummer 1 (Alternativadresse) = Phone number 1 (alternative address) |
Telefonnummer 2 (Alternativadresse) = Phone number 2 (alternative address) |
Faxnummer (Alternativadresse) = Fax number (alternative address) |
Kundennummer = Account code |
Lieferantennotizen = Vendor note |
Lieferantenstatuscode = Vendor status (code) |
Any additional fields not listed above can be put into notes. The possible note fields in Alma items are listed in the following chart in the Note Name column. The fields listed in the Default Local Field column are those that are expected by Ex Libris. If you use other field names or have fields that you want to include in the migration, but are not expected by Ex Libris, you can rearrange, add, or subtract fields on the right, as necessary.
Note Name |
Default Local Field |
Verarbeitungsnotizen = Internal note |
Fund records are collected into an Excel migration form, then exported to CSV and delivered to Ex Libris for loading into Alma. Funds are not extracted from Libero directly. All funds must be listed on a single tab (the first tab on the spreadsheet) before exporting to CSV. You can submit separate CSV files, but they must be physically separate files and not multiple tabs on the same sheet. Each csv file must contain a header line with the field names as described below.
In the fund file, LEDGER CODE, LEDGER NAME, FUND CODE, and FUND NAME are mandatory. Ledgers are mandatory. If your institution does not have ledgers in the current ILS, define one general ledger for use in Alma.
Note that fund codes, summary fund codes, and ledger codes are unique across the entire fiscal period, not just within specific hierarchies. Therefore, there should be no fund code duplication in the spreadsheet submitted, since all of the funds go into a single active fiscal period. Ledger codes are included in the unique constraint; ledger codes cannot be the same as any fund code.
Funds are grouped under summary funds, and summary funds/funds are grouped under ledgers. Only one level of summary fund is allowed in the extract; however, it is a simple task in Alma to create a new summary fund after migration and drag other summary funds underneath it.
Field Name |
Notes |
May be repeated across lines to group funds under a single ledger. |
May be repeated across lines to group funds under a single ledger. |
Not mandatory, may be repeated across lines. |
Not mandatory, may be repeated across lines. |
Alphanumeric, not repeatable (This is the fund code that links to the fund code in the extracted order record.) This must be unique, even across ledgers. |
Alphanumeric, repeatable. |
Must be in the Alma Library List on the Libero Migration Form. The library code must match the code in the migration form exactly – the match is case-sensitive. There can be multiple libraries here, separated by a semicolon. This field can be left empty, which means that all libraries in the institution can use the fund.
If the central order library is used in the migration form, this field is ignored and all funds are set to the institution level, meaning that all libraries in the institution can use the fund.
External ID for linking to an external source, if one exists. |
Allocation, in dollars, of the current fiscal year’s funds. |
FY |
Fiscal Year, in form YYYY |
Provide the purchase order file in csv format. The fields in the following table are expected. Indicate the local field names for the expected fields in the Orders tab of the
Libero Field Mapping Form.
Field Name |
Notes |
Libero-Identnummer = Libero title ID |
Links to bib record |
Bestellnummer = Order no. |
this must be unique per vendor in Alma |
Bestellnummner-Zeile = Order line no. |
this must be unique in Alma; migration will concatenate Order no. + Order line no. to make a unique number |
Lieferanten_Code = Vendor code |
Links to vendor file |
Haushaltskostenstelle = Fund code |
Links to fund file |
Notiz für Lieferanten = Vendor note |
Bestelltyp = Order type |
Use map: PO Line Type |
Bestellstatus = Order status |
Use map: PO Entry Point |
Erwerbungstyp = Acquisition type |
Use map: PO Acq Method |
Exemplarpreis = Item price |
Alma-Bibliothek = Alma Library |
This code should be present in Library/Location mapping tab |
Aktuelle Zweigstelle = ALma location |
This code should be present in Library/Location mapping tab |
Bestelldatum = Order sent date |
Any additional fields not listed above can be put into notes. The possible note fields in Alma items are listed in the following chart in the Note Name column. The fields listed in the Default Local Field column are those that are expected by Ex Libris. If you use other field names or have fields that you want to include in the migration, but are not expected by Ex Libris, you can rearrange, add, or subtract fields on the right, as necessary.
Note Name |
Default Local Field |
This line cannot be duplicated; place only one local field name here. |
This line cannot be duplicated; place only one local field name here. |
This line cannot be duplicated; place only one local field name here. |
Exemplarnotiz intern = Item note (internal) |
Initiator_der_Bestellung = Person who initiated the order |
Bezahldatum = Payment date |
Bezahlstatus = Payment status |
Rechnungsdatum = Invoice date |
Rechnungsnummer = Invoice number |
Literaturabteilung = Collection (code) |
Appendix – FTP Drop Point Delivery and Form
Each time data files are provided to Ex Libris in the formats indicated in Expected File Formats on page 7, place them on an FTP drop-point on the Ex Libris FTP server with the access credentials provided by your Ex Libris project manager.
The following is the default naming convention:
For example: centralu_bib_01_20120420.mrc, centralu_bib_02_20120420.mrc, centralu_bib_03_20120420.mrc, etc.
Ex Libris recommends a maximum of 200,000 records per MARC file and 400,000 for other types of records (items, orders, etc).
All records in a single file must be homogenous – all of the lines in the file must have the same number of fields, and those fields must contain the same type of data. Additionally, all of the records must be delimited in the same manner.
For security purposes, the file names listed on the FTP server are not displayed after you upload them.
Provide the
Libero Delivered Files Form along with the submitted files.