SFX to Alma AutoExtract Migration
- Standard migration requirements documented in Getting Ready for Alma and Discovery Implementation.
- SFX needs to be on v4.1.2 (Nov 2012) or above to migrate to Alma, plus the most recent KB version, for non-CDI customers. CDI customers must install SFX version 4.10.15 or above before moving to Alma.
- Make sure that you have enough CPU capacity and that the RAM is not using swap memory. If the server is overloaded, scale it up before attempting to run the extract.
- Open an access in your firewall to the Ex Libris SFTP server (MFT) in order to transfer the extracted data:
- APAC customers: migration-dc05.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com (APAC-DC05) or migration-dc07.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com (APAC-DC07). The relevant SFTP should be supplied by your Professional Services.
- EU customers: migration-dc03.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com (EU-DC03) or migration-dc06.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com (EU-DC03) . The relevant SFTP should be supplied by Professional Services.
- NA customers: migration-dc01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com (NA-DC01) or migration-dc04.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com (NA-DC04) . The relevant SFTP should be supplied by Professional Services.
- CANADA customers: migration-dc82.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com
- CHINA customers: migration-dc81.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com.cn
All servers listed above should use SFTP port 10022.
Overview of the AutoExtract Process
- An email with the following information is sent to you by Ex Libris:
- A link to the AutoExtract package path on FTP server
- Credentials for FTP download
- Download the AutoExtract package from the FTP server.
- Install the AutoExtract package on your SFX server.
- Run the extraction of your SFX data using the AutoExtract package.
- Transfer the extracted data to your regional Ex Libris SFTP server.
Downloading and Installing the AutoExtract Package
- Log on to your local SFX instance on your SFX server (for example, sfxlcl41, or other local instance).
- Enter the following command to create a directory in which to store the zip file:
>> mkdir /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris/sfx2alma_migrationYou may need to create the ftp_from_exlibris subdirectory first, i.e.:>> mkdir /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris
- Download the package from Ex Libris MFT server as described in the email sent from Ex Libris.
- Enter the following command to change the directory as the local user to the sx directory:
>> sx(Or: >> cd $SFX_HOME/$SFX_INST/)
- Move the package SFX2Alma.zip from /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris/sfx2alma_migration to the sx directory of the local SFX user.
>> cp /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris/sfx2alma_migration/SFX2Alma.zip .
Note: sometimes this triggers a question: cp: overwrite ‘./SFX2Alma.zip’? to which you should answer Y
- Enter the following command to unpack the zip file:
>> unzip SFX2Alma.zip
- Run the following command:
csh -f unzip_package.sh
- If you want to run the auto extract process several times (for test and for productive load for example, check if there is a new version of the package available. If so, proceed with the new package as described above.
- If you get the message when running the unzip command, answer with A to replace the files from the old package with the ones from the new package.
replace admin/kbtools/sfx2alma_migration.pl? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename:
Extract using the Menu
- Log on to your local SFX instance as 'local SFX user' on your SFX server.
- Enter the following command to move to the directory with the migration menu:
>> da(or:>> cd $SFX_HOME/$SFX_INST/admin/)>> cd kbtools
- Enter the following command to start the menu:
Extracting and Converting the Data
- Select 1. Extract SFX data to retrieve the data from the SFX database.
The following appears:
Did you consult with an Ex Libris representative concerning loading SFX data with Available For groups to Alma? (Y/N) [N] - If you have a multi-institute SFX structure (see Multiple institutes) to be extracted enter Y.
If you ran the extraction before and data is still in the export directory, the following appears:
There appears to be data from a previous extraction in the directory.
If you continue, this old data will be deleted.
Do you want to continue? (y/n): [n]
- Enter y to delete the data and continue with the extraction process. Enter n, to stop the extraction process and move the old data to a different location, if you do not want to delete it.
- Select Default institute unless you are a multi-institute site.
Multiple Institutes
When running the above option within a multi-organizational (institutes/campuses) environment, a menu similar to the one below is displayed that allows you to specify the institution or group for which the migration should be carried out.
Extract using the Command Line
Customers with very large institutes may choose to extract using the command line.
Extract the Default Institute
cd kbtools
nohup perl sfx2alma_migration.pl --action=both --institute=Default > & ../../logs/sfx2alma_migration.pl-nohup-<datetime>.log &
You can name the log file anything you like, but we recommend to use a date/time stamp in case of multiple attempts.
Extract Multiple SFX Institutes at the same time
Run this extract after you extract the default institute.
First, find the last default collection update file
cd dbs/scratch/e_collection_update/
ls -lrt free-e-collection-default.* |tail -1
You will see a filename like this
-rw-rw---- 1 sfxlcl4 sfx 370263138 Jun 28 18:48 e-collection-default.20210626154507
Then, extract from SFX using that file name that you saw in the previous step. In addition, specify the institutes you wish to export.
cd kbtools
nohup perl sfx2alma_migration.pl --default_institute_filename=e-collection-default.20210626154507 --action=both --institute=YYY --institute=ZZZ > & ../../logs/sfx2alma_migration.pl-nohup-Institute-<datetime>.log &
where YYY and ZZZ are institute codes on your SFX server. You can name the log file anything you like, but we recommend to use a date/time stamp in case of multiple attempts.
Monitoring the Extraction Process
f you get the following message, the extraction process has completed successfully.
Monitoring from the command line
sfxtul 1218 32362 0 22:36 pts/0 00:00:02 perl sfx2alma_migration.pl --action=both --institute=Default
You can also monitor the log file(s).
ls -1rt sfx2alma*
The log files are as follows
sfx2alma_migration.pl-nohup-Default-20210626.log - specified output from the command line in Default extract
sfx2alma_migration.pl-2021-06-26T15:45:03.log - output from the SFX AutoExtract program in Default extract
sfx2alma_migration.pl-nohup-LBL-20210627.log - specified/output from the command line in institute LBL extract
sfx2alma_migration.pl-2021-06-27T04:03:01.log - output from the SFX AutoExtract program in institute LBL extract
Transferring the Extracted Data to Ex Libris
- Select 2. Transfer extracted data from the SFX Migration Menu.
- Select the SFTP server to which the data will be transferred, according to your region:
Select the ftp server by the optional regions:1. APAC2. EUR3. USA4. CANADA5. CHINAPlease select your region:If your region is APAC/EU/NA, you are asked to select one of the data centers in your region, according to Professional Services.
- You are asked to enter your sftp user name. Copy and paste the key from the link sent to you by Ex Libris. Below is an example of the key you are asked to insert.
Enter your password:
- The data is transferred securely using SFTP.
- The data transfer process can take up to several hours to complete, depending on the size of your data and your Internet connection speed. The functioning of SFX is not affected by this process running in the background, and your normal work in SFX can proceed in parallel. If the process does not complete within 24 hours, contact Ex Libris.
Copying the MFT SSH_KEY
In the extract process, you are asked to copy the ssh_key given to you by your Ex Libris representative. If you do not copy the entire key, the data is not packaged and transferred. If this situation occurs, do the following:
- Close the extract menu.
- Copy the entire content of the ssh_key (including the first and last "BEGIN"/"END" lines) and paste it into a text file in Windows.
- Save the file with the following name: your generated sftp UserName + _urm_sftp_ssh_key (without any suffix). For example, if your sftp user name = MyGenUsrName, the ssh_key file is named: MyGenUsrName_urm_sftp_ssh_key.
- Copy the ssh_key file to the SFX server in the location where the SFX2Alma kit was placed in the ../admin/kbtools directory.
- Open a putty session to your SFX server, and go to the ../admin/kbtools directory. Set permissions to your ssh_key file: chmod 600 MyGenUsrName_urm_sftp_ssh_key.
- Rerun the extract menu. This time you are not asked to insert the ssh_key.