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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Can't Delete Empty Alma Holdings

    • Product: Alma



    Why can't I delete two Holdings (and their linked items)?


    In working with record removal, it’s a good idea to keep the following in mind:

    The BIB / Holdings (HOL) / Item structure is hierarchical:
    You can't delete a HOL without removing the items first.
    You can't delete a BIB without removing the HOLs (and items) first.
    So, if a HOL has items attached to it, you won’t be able to delete it until you successfully delete the attached items.

    1.     Please check to see if the item has an active hold request (e.g. "Requests: 1").
    If so, you will need to complete the processing (or deletion) of this request before you can withdraw the item.

    2.     Please also check that your "Physical Inventory Operator" and/or "Physical Inventory Operator Extended" roles were scoped to the appropriate library within your institution.
    For example, if either of your “Physical Inventory Operator” roles is only scoped to the Main Library, but the item you’re trying to withdraw is owned by the Science Library, you will not be able to withdraw Science Library items.
    In order to withdraw Science Library items you will have to do one of the following:

    a.     Add an additional “Physical Inventory Operator” role that is scoped to the Science Library

    b.     Update your existing “Physical Inventory Operator” role that is scoped only to the Main Library and scope it at the Institution level so that regardless of which library’s items you are modifying, you will be able to update, add, or withdraw.


    Additional Information

    Please refer to these documents for more information:

    Deleting Physical Items (Withdrawals)

    Managing User Roles


    • Article last edited: 19-Feb-2020
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