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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

Distributing Fulfillment Information from the Network Zone

  • Product: Alma



How do I configure Alma to distribute fulfillment policies from the network zone to institution zones?


Network Zone

  1. Create user groups for each type of user in every institution zone (e.g. Institution 1 Faculty Group, Institution 2 Faculty Group, etc.): Configuration > User Management > User Groups

    User groups will be needed in order to create fulfillment unit rules.
  2. Create fulfillment unit(s) to distribute to the institutions.  Only create fulfillment units that you intend to distribute to all institutions: Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Add Fulfillment Unit

    Give fulfillment unit(s) unique names and codes so that network zone fulfillment units are distinguishable within the institution zone.
  3.  Create all fulfillment policies needed for the terms of use for fulfillment unit(s)—including those related to Loans (due date, closed date management, overdue fine, etc.) and Requests (pickup location, etc.) Create booking policies if applicable for this fulfillment unit: Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Advanced Policy Configuration > Add New Policy
  4. Create all Loan and Request terms of use needed for the fulfillment unit(s): Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Terms of Use and Policies > Add a Terms of Use
  5. Create fulfillment unit(s) rules: Configuration > Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > [Shared Fulfillment Unit] > Edit > Fulfillment Unit Rules
  6. Run Distribute Network Fulfillment Changes to Members job: Admin > Scheduled Jobs > Distribute Network Fulfillment Changes to Members  >  Run

    NOTE: ExLibris will need to run this job on your behalf during Test Load. After Go Live, the job can be scheduled to run on a regular basis.


Institution Zone

  1.  Edit the existing fulfillment unit that you would like to apply the shared fulfillment unit/TOU to: Configuration > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units > Edit
  2. Within the fulfillment unit, under Rules from Network Fulfillment Unit: Select the Shared Fulfillment Unit. Check mark Use Network Rules First: if you want the Network rules to be applied first. 
  3. Click Save to save the fulfillment unit.


Additional Documentation



  • Article last edited: 15-Apr-2020