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    How do I configure a connection to Alma in EndNote?

    • Product: Alma

    How do I configure EndNote to search our catalog via Z39.50?

    What options do I fill in for the EndNote connection?


    Assuming you have already configured and activated the Z39.50 integration profile, use these settings:

    Configuring the z39.50 client: You must configure the Alma IP address, port, and database name on the Z39.50 client machine:

    The address/port to be configured is:
    <Alma CNAME domain>:1921 (or 210, if you are working with Refworks – see To configure a Z39.50 Refworks client)

    Database: Library Catalog (or whatever name you have for it--this just displays in EndNote)
    Database Name: [INSTITUTION_CODE]    where [INSTITUTION_CODE] is in the form XXCODE_INST
    Element Set: F
    Port ID: 1921
    Record Syntax: MARC21
    Text: UTF-8

    If you configured the Z39.50 service to require a User Name and/or Password, add those to the EndNote connection as well (this is rare).

    • Article last edited: 19-OCT-2021