How to Configure a CSS Skin for the Alma Services Page in Primo?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Alma
How to Configure a CSS Skin for the Services Page in Primo?
This requires access to both Alma and the Primo back office.
In Alma:
1. Go to Alma > Administration > General Configuration > General Configuration Menu > Delivery System Skins
2. Select Add a Skin
3. Name the Skin
4. Download and unzip
5. Go to branding_skin/css/mashup.css; this controls the display elements in the ViewIt and GetIt tabs in Primo
6. Open mashup.css in preferred editing tool (e.g. Notepad or Notepad ++) and make desired edits
8. Re-zip the file.
NOTE: The file must be named ""
9. Upload and save the to the previously named skin profile.
In the Primo Back Office:
1. Go to Advanced Configuration > Mapping Tables > Subsystem: Delivery > Table Name: Templates
2. Update the following Alma delivery templates by adding "&<skin name>" to the end of the string:
For example:
Code: Almagetit
Template Code:
3. Save and Deploy
4. Refresh browser and clear cache to test.
Additional Information
The same skin that is configured for the Alma-Primo mashup can be used for the Services Page, or a separate skin can be defined.
If using the same skin, it is not necessary to define a new one in Alma.
- Article last edited: 10/1/2015