How to add Library sub-unit to a Fund or Ledger 'Available for' field?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Alma
Desired Outcome Goal:
It seems impossible to limit a ledger or fund to a specific library.
Clicking a Sub-Unit (from the Libraries list) - doesn't stick.
To add a Library assignment, deselect (un-select) the "Include Sub-unit" and then select the libraries.
Additional Information
The steps are:
1. Find and edit a Fund or Ledger
2. In the 'Available for' field click to open the drop-down menu
3. De-select (un-select) the 'Institutions' row's 'Include Sub-unit' button
4. Select the preferred Libraries
Category: Acquisitions - Alma
Subject: funds - Alma
- Article last edited: 8/2/2014