Status of the 2 "email_partner_configurable_line"s after April 14 Release (and new XSL for Ful Outgoing Email Letter)
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Alma
Since the April 2014 Release, the new Ful Outgoing Email Letter was made available. The question now is what is the role now of the status of the old 2 lines of configurable text, i.e.
in Alma/Fulfilment/General/Other settings
These do not appear in the letter template, or seemingly in the XML being sent to the new XSL - are they now deprecated, or are there plans to include them?
There are no plans to include these lines. You should simply put these lines on the XSL now.
Please contact your local let me know if you need any assistance with this and I'll be happy to help!
Category: Fulfillment - Alma
Subject: Fulfillment infrastructure - Alma
- Article last edited: 4/9/2014