Why didn't an Alma resource sharing request with a Conditional Status automatically move on to the next library in the ROTA?
- Product: Alma
There is an Alma resource sharing request that has remained in a Conditional Status even though the date for reply has passed. Shouldn't this have moved to the next library in the ROTA?
No. In this particular instance when a request has been sent with a condition, the date for a reply is an informational field and does not cause the resource sharing request to automatically move to the next partner in the ROTA. The system is waiting for a manual response whether the condition is acceptable or not.
The Conditional Reply indicates if the borrower has accepted the lender's condition. This must be completed manually. If the answer is ‘Yes’ then the status of the borrowing request should be changed to ‘Sent’ and the ‘Date for Reply’ field should be cleared. If the answer is ‘No’ then the status should be changed to ‘Rejected by partner’ and then it will be moved to the next partner in the Rota.
- Article last edited: 10-Apr-2020