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    Industry Standard Reports and Dashboards

    Industry Standard Reports

    Industry Standard Reports are used by various countries to report on the usage of their systems according to criteria mandated by the government. These reports help you provide the required information.

    The Industry Standard reports and dashboards include the following folders:
    • Shared Folders/Alma/Industry Standard Reports/ACRL and IPEDS/Dashboards. For more information, see ACRL and IPEDS Dashboard.
    • Shared Folders/Alma/Industry Standard Reports/ARL/Reports
    • Shared Folders/Alma/Industry Standard Reports/SCONUL/Reports
    • Shared Folders/Alma/Industry Standard Reports/CAUL/Reports
    • Shared Folders/Alma/Industry Standard Reports/DBS/Reports
    • Shared Folders/Alma/Industry Standard Reports/BIBSYS/Reports
    • Shared Folders/Alma/Industry Standard Reports/ESGBU/Reports
    These folders each correspond to the following organizations:
    • In North America the reports are for ACRL and IPEDS (Association of College & Research Libraries and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) and for ARL (American Research Libraries)
    • In UK they the reports are for SCONUL (Society of College, National and University Libraries)
    • In Australia the reports are for CAUL (Council of Australian University Librarians)
    • In Germany the reports are for DBS (Deutsche Bibliotheksstatistik)
    • In Norway the reports are for BIBSYS (collaborating with all Norwegian universities and university colleges as well as research institutions and the National Library of Norway)
    • In France the reports are for ESGBU (Enquete Statistique Generale aupres des Bibliotheques Universitaires)
    Industry Standard Reports

    ACRL and IPEDS Dashboard

    The ACRL and IPEDS dashboard is available to assist you in obtaining the information that you need to submit to ACRL and IPEDS. The dashboard is located under Alma > Shared Folders > Industry Standard Reports.


    ACRL and IPEDS Dashboard

    The dashboard has the following tabs that you can use to provide you with information for various reports, as required by ACRL and IPEDS:

    • Library Staff
    • Library Expenses
    • Library Collections Number of Titles (Physical)
    • Library Collections Number of Titles (Electronic) – applies to digital resources as well
    • Library Collections Volume Count
    • Library Circulation
    • Interlibrary Loan Services
    • Student Enrollment
    • Library Services To Individuals (This data comes from Springshare integration, if configured, where it is referred to as References)
    • Gate Counts (This data comes from Springshare integration, if configured.)

    Select the filters you require in each tab to produce the relevant data.

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