Digital Configuration
Can the metadata displayed in the Alma viewer be configured?
Alma supports the option for configuring the metadata fields that are displayed when viewing digital content in the Alma Viewer. It is also possible to define the order in which these fields appear.
Two configuration tables support this option - one for MARC21 and one for Dublin Core:
Can the order of representation delivery services be configured?
It is possible to define whether electronic or digital services appear first in the View It tab.
It is also possible to define the order of digital services according to the available viewer. The definitions are set in the View Services configuration table by dragging the services and rearranging their order in the table.
Can forms used for creating Dublin Core metadata records in Alma be customized?
It is possible to customize forms that are used for creating Dublin Core metadata records that are used by staff when adding a representation or depositing a record.
Import Profiles
Does Alma support import profiles for digital inventory?
Does Alma support Excel as an Alma digital import physical source format?
Excel is supported as a physical source format for non-remote digital import profiles:
Digitization profile rules
Does Alma support digitization rules?
A rule can be set so that partial digitization requests must pass through the steps of approval and copyright clearance, but do not need to be added to the inventory before the digital file is sent directly to the patron.
Another rule can be set so that full digitization requests must pass through all the steps: approval, copyright clearance, and add digital inventory.
Can digitization rules related to resource sharing requests be defined?
- Borrowing resource sharing digitization request
- Lending resource sharing digitization request
Can rules for document delivery be defined?
Access rights
How can access to digital content be configured?
- Patrons from a specified user group, such as undergraduate students
- Patrons who access the resource from outside the university computer system, based on IP addresses
- Patrons with specific user IDs
Can Alma be configured to block file downloads?
You can configure access rights to allow the display of digital files in the Alma Viewer, but block patrons from downloading the files from the viewer. The Allow View and Allow Download check boxes support this feature on the Access Rights Rule page. When the Allow Download check box is cleared, the Download button does not appear in the viewer.
Are embargo criteria supported?
Can display logic rules be defined for digital content?
Does Alma check access rights policies in remote digital repositories?
You can now configure Alma to check access rights policies in a remote repository and enforce the access rights when a user searches for the digital resource in Alma.To activate this option, select the Check access rights check box on the Delivery screen in the Remote Digital Repository profile:
Can copyright statements be configured by the library?
How is copyright clearance for digitization requests managed in Alma?
When was the digitized resource published?
How many digitization requests have been previously handled for the given resource?
Can the copyright approval process be based on time span?
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