With the May release, all Alma institutions will be able to import COUNTER data directly to Alma and use all COUNTER features. For Alma customers already using UStat, all previously loaded COUNTER data and defined subscribers in UStat will be imported to Alma with the May release. As of the May release, all live Alma institutions should no longer use UStat.
Resource Management
A NERS Enhancement (Request ID 4683): Publishing Enhancements – Publishing to OCLC and to Libraries Australia will be enhanced.
Authorities Update Redirection Support – Alma will automatically redirect authorities that use ID-based linkage.
Enhancements to RVK Support – RVK support in the Community Zone will be enhanced with a new structure. Additional search indexes will be added.
Digital Resource Management
End User Deposit – The May Release will see the first part of built-in end user deposit, including the relevant forms and workflows to support this functionality.
Enhancements to File Delivery – Alma will provide open, file-based delivery in addition to today’s representation-level delivery.
Idea Exchange: Obtrusive Copyrights – Alma will support the option for obtrusive copyrights, meaning the viewer will display the copyrights page by default.
A NERS Enhancement (Request ID 4615): Enhance Lists with MMS ID – A number of fulfillment lists will now include a column for the MMS ID.
Resource Sharing
Locate Profiles for Items that Can Be Loaned and Requested – It will be possible to define separate locate profiles for items that can be requested and loaned.
Enhancements to the Course Reserve Subject Area – The Course Reserves subject area will be enhanced with improved copyright information. In addition, there will be enhancements to Leganto-specific information.
Licenses – The license dimension will be expanded in those subject areas in which there is information about licensing--for example, in the E-Inventory and Funds Expenditure subject areas.
Enhancements to the Link Resolver Subject Area – The January 2017 release of Alma allowed for the reporting of digital usage as part of the Link Resolver subject area. New measures will be added to this subject area in the May release, allowing not only for aggregated reports of E and D, but also for a separation of the two.
Enhancements to the Usage Data Subject Area – There will be a number of enhancements to the managing of COUNTER usage reports in Alma that will allow—for example, for filtering by reports that have or have not been loaded by the SUSHI scheduler. Additionally, several new COUNTER report formats will be supported.
Idea Exchange: Email Attachment Retention and Purge – It will now be possible to define the retention period for email attachments, as well as whether you want to purge them. The configuration will depend on the type of message (such as the monthly summary statement and the ‘on hold shelf’ notice.
There will be a new Collection API.
Enhancements to the Electronic Inventory APIs – There will be improvements to the GET APIs for retrieving electronic services, and the GET API for electronic portfolios.