Resource Sharing - May 2016 Enhancements
Lookup Agency for NCIP Partners
Alma now supports the option to call the NCIP Lookup Agency function while configuring the partner. This is applicable only for NCIP peer-to-peer partners.

Resource Sharing Partner Parameters
To view the partner's information, click the new Lookup Agency button on the partner parameter page. Clicking this button contacts the partner and returns their supported protocol or other information the partner wishes to transmit to assist in the partner configuration process.

Lookup Agency Response
To set your institution's information that will be transmitted to other partners, enter the protocol or other information into the value of the resource_sharing_protocol parameter of the Fulfillment mapping table. For information on modifying this value, see Configuring Other Settings. The complete list of NCIP peer-to-peer parameters is on the Resource Sharing Request page.
Create a Resource Sharing Request from Search
It is now possible to place a resource sharing request from the repository search result, allowing creation of requests without accessing the task lists. This link is displayed automatically for staff with Fulfillment Services roles in the resource sharing library. The link appears on all item searches except collection, electronic collection, and authorities. See Searching in the Repository.

Create Request from Search
Additional Resource Sharing Enhancements
- Bibliographic data may now be sent in the NCIP ShipItem message. This may be used in cases where an NCIP partner lends an item that doesn't exactly match the original request and you want to include the bibliographic data to specify what is being sent. For more information about the ShipItem message, see the Developer's Network.
- For NCIP peer-to-peer partners, resource sharing requests that include the Other System ID, DOI, or Barcode fields now also include this information in the NCIP message. For more information, see the Developer's Network.
- A new check box, Ignore electronic resources, has been added to lending section of the definition of the resource sharing library. If it is checked, the lending locates (manual and automatic) will disregard electronic items. Resource Sharing Library Information