Fulfillment - April 2016 Enhancements
Expanding Booking Requests' Workflow
The workflow for booking requests was expanded to include steps for picking up booked items from the shelf, for putting them in transit to the required pickup location, and for placing them on the hold shelf. This greatly expands the booking services a library can offer to its patrons.
For detailed information about the booking requests' workflow, see Booking Workflow.
Support for RFID Readers
Alma now supports using 3M RFID readers (model 896) for scanning items and for their check-in and check-out.
For detailed information about RFID and the integration profile setup, see RFID Support.
Sorting Citations in the Reading List
You now sort citations in a reading list using the new reading_list_citation_sorting configuration parameter with one of the following values: Title, Author, Call Number, and Create Date. The default sort is by title. If you select call number, and the citation contains more than one call number, only the first number is considered.
Items that start with special characters (i.e. “, (, ), $, etc.) affect the sorting. These items appear at the top of the listing.
For information about configuring citation sorting, see the Other Settings Options table in Configuring Fulfillment Jobs.
Filter Get It Holdings and Items by Library based on Primo View
Primo views of the GetIt tab may now be mapped to one or more Alma libraries. When this is configured, the initial GetIt tab view is filtered to view only libraries which have been mapped to the Primo view. A message indicates that a filter is in place and includes the option to switch back to a view showing all libraries. If there is no such configuration, the filter text does not appear.

Primo Filtered View
For information on mapping a Primo view to Alma libraries, see Mapping Primo Views to Libraries.
Enhancements for Resource Locate
A number of enhancements were added to the resource locate process for citations on the Edit Reading List page.
- When you create a citation that is not attached to an inventory item, or when you click Resource Locate beneath a citation that is not attached to an inventory item, Alma tries to find a single inventory item to which to attach the citation. If it succeeds, the citation is automatically attached to the inventory item. This matching is controlled in the new Match by Fields code table. The search automatically uses the tag "suppressed=false" to avoid returning suppressed items.
- When there are multiple matches, Alma now displays a repository search page enabling you to select a match or edit the search criteria
- When there are no matches, Alma now displays a repository search page enabling you to edit the search criteria.
For more information, see Managing Citations.
Additional Fulfillment Enhancements
- Click Purchase Request beneath a citation on the Edit Reading List page to add a patron purchase request for the citation. For more information, see Patron Purchase Requests. Edit Reading List Page
- You can now associate a reading list with a course (or remove the association) from the Reading List Task List page.

Reading List Task List Page
To associate a reading list with a course, or to change the reading list's course association, select Actions > Associate this list with a course, select or search for the new course in the pop-up window, and click Change Course Association.

Course Association Pane
To remove a course association, select Actions > Remove associated course.
- The tab-separated file to be read by the course loader integration profile can now end in .txt as well as .csv (the format of the file has not changed).
- Request fields for partial digitization requests are now displayed in the Notes field on Manage In Process Items and Approval Request List pages. Approval Requests List
- The user information pop-up was added to the Loan Audit Trail page for:
- Borrower
- Requester Name (for recalled loans)
- Operator
- The new user parameter, hide_single_holding_getit_details controls the Get It display when a single holdings' items are shown. The parameter, when set to True, opens the single holdings' items page with the details hidden, with an option to show details. The default is False, which opens the page with the holdings' item already expanded.
- In the Change Item Information tab of the scan-in Interface, a new value, None, was added to the Item policy drop-down list. Selecting None removes the value previously selected.
- The Personal Delivery pickup options labels in the Get It tab can now be customized in Fulfillment > Fulfillment Configuration > Configuration Menu > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Labels. The labels are:
- personal_delivery
- personal_delivery.home_address
- personal_delivery.work_address
- For cases in which an item was marked as missing and is then scanned in, a pop-up confirmation message was added to notify the operator that the missing label was removed from this item. The message appears in the following interfaces:
- Scan In Items
- Manage Item Returns
- Manage Patron Services - Returns tab
- To support Patron Purchase Requests from Primo, a new purchase request display feature was added to the Discovery Interface Display Logic rules.
- You can add tags in the Tags tab when editing a citation. In addition, you can filter the list of citations on the Edit Reading List page using these tags. If you have Leganto, you can also add or edit the available tags (see Using Expanded Tagging in the March 2016 Leganto Release Notes). Edit Reading List Citation Page - Tags TabEdit Reading List Page