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    360 KB: Springer Nature SpringerLink eBooks – Fully Open Access 2022 Database: Titles Will Be Removed -- August 2024

    What is happening to the database Springer Nature SpringerLink eBooks – Fully Open Access 2022?

    ProQuest currently has title-level information for the Springer Nature SpringerLink eBooks – Fully Open Access 2022 from provider Springer Nature in the Knowledgebase. The database is no longer available on the Springer Nature platform.

    In order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata (based on our Knowledgebase collection policy), all titles will be removed from Springer Nature SpringerLink eBooks – Fully Open Access 2022 database and the database will be hidden in the Knowledgebase on August 11, 2024. The database will become a zero-titles database, and no future subscriptions will be possible. (NOTE: The database code for this database is AAXZC.)

    The general database is available for subscription: Springer Nature - SpringerLink eBooks - Fully Open Access (database code: AALJR).

    Actions you may need to take:

    • If you are a 360 Resource Manager, 360 Counter, or Intota client, you may need to make some changes to your account settings before August 11, 2024:
      • Intota users click here.
      • Client Center users click here.

    • Article last edited: 22-July-2024