360KB: Blackwell Synergy and Wiley Interscience Databases: Database Retirement -- May 2018
What is happening to the Blackwell Synergy and Wiley Interscience databases?
Blackwell Synergy and Wiley Interscience were the two separate provider platforms prior to the Wiley-Blackwell merger and platform unification that occurred between 2008 and 2010; the merger yielded the unified Wiley Online Library platform.
The 360KB still contains remnants, including databases with title-level information and linking, of these deprecated platform databases. These databases have not been supported by the provider and have not been updated. This may lead to confusion for clients who still subscribe to these databases in their profiles.
In order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata (based on our Knowledgebase collection policy), and in accordance with the Wiley Realignment and Standardization project being undertaken in collaboration between Wiley and ourselves, all titles will be removed from non-consortium Blackwell Synergy and Wiley Interscience databases and the databases will be hidden in the Knowledgebase on May 30, 2018. The databases will become a zero-titles databases, and no future subscriptions will be possible.
Please refer to the following table, also available as an Excel spreadsheet, for the full list of databases that will be retired.
Note: Since consortia, rather than this provider, are in charge of maintaining their own titles lists, consortium databases fall outside the scope of this realignment project and their titles will not be removed. If you are a consortium administrator who would like to retire your consortium Wiley databases, please contact Support. Refer to the second table at the very end of this article for the list of consortium databases that will be kept.
Actions you may need to take:
- You may wish to deselect these databases from your profile, especially if you have been tracking the appropriate Wiley Online Library databases.
- If you are a 360 Resource Manager, 360 Counter, or Intota client, you may need to make some changes to your account settings before May 30, 2018:
List of Databases to be retired
Database Name | Database Code |
Blackwell-Synergy | RSY |
Blackwell-Synergy Backfiles | RKY |
Blackwell-Synergy (1997-present) | KSY |
Blackwell Humanities & Social Sciences Collection | RBH |
Blackwell Humanities & Social Sciences Backfile Collection | RKH |
Blackwell Medicine & Nursing Collection | RBM |
Blackwell Medicine & Nursing Backfile Collection | RKM |
Blackwell Science, Technology & Medicine Collection | RBT |
Blackwell Science, Technology & Medicine Backfile Collection | RKT |
Blackwell Reference Online | ESM |
Blackwell-Synergy Free Collection | RFY |
International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest | 34M |
Linguistics Abstracts Online | EWN |
Blackwell Compass Journals | ICP |
International Encyclopedia of Communication Online | JDU |
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online | JJG |
Blackwell-Synergy (via Wiley InterScience Databases) | KHK |
Blackwell-Synergy (via Wiley InterScience Online Books) | KHO |
Blackwell-Synergy (via Wiley InterScience Reference Works) | KHR |
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery | 5F1 |
Cancer Handbook | 3YS |
Culture of Animal Cells | RXM |
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology | BDZ |
Database of Polymer Properties | HTC |
Encyclopedia of Bioprocess Technology | FBG |
Encyclopedia of Biostatistics | RXE |
Encyclopedia of Catalysis | FBH |
Encyclopedia of Cell Technology | RXI |
Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology | FBI |
Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics | RVG |
Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences | RVZ |
Encyclopedia of Imaging Science & Technology | BLK |
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences | BLM |
Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation | RXN |
Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology | RXT |
Encyclopedia Of Molecular Medicine | RXS |
Encyclopedia of Polymer Science & Technology | BLQ |
Encyclopedia of Software Engineering | BLU |
Express Exec | JUF |
Handbook of Statistical Genetics | RXH |
HEED: Health Economic Evaluations Database | HWD |
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology | RWZ |
Management of Genetic Syndromes | RXG |
Mouse Models of Human Cancer | RXL |
Patty's Toxicology | RZA |
Reference Manual for Telecommunications | JYS |
Reference Manual for Telecommunications Engineering | DZJ |
Ulmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry | BLL |
Wiley Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering | EMV |
Wiley Encyclopedia of Clinical Trials | 3Z1 |
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering | EHV |
Wiley InterScience Analytical Sciences Backfiles | RWQ |
Wiley InterScience Biotechnology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics Backfile Collection | RBB |
Wiley InterScience Business and Management Backfiles | WWB |
Wiley InterScience Cell and Developmental Biology Backfiles | RWR |
Wiley InterScience Chemistry Backfile Collection | RWK |
Wiley InterScience Chemistry Societies Backfiles | RGC |
Wiley InterScience Civil Engineering Backfiles | WWC |
Wiley InterScience Color Research & Application Backfile | HQK |
Wiley InterScience Communications Technology, Electrical & Systems Engineering Backfiles | WWI |
Wiley InterScience Computer Science Backfiles | WWW |
Wiley InterScience Current Protocols | RWC |
Wiley Interscience Earth and Environmental Sciences Backfiles | WWD |
Wiley Interscience Education Backfiles | WWE |
Wiley Interscience Food Science Backfiles | WWF |
Wiley InterScience General Medicine Backfiles | RGB |
Wiley InterScience Genetics and Evolution Backfiles | RWV |
Wiley Interscience Health Care Policy and Management Backfiles | WWH |
Wiley InterScience Journal of Pathology Backfiles | RWX |
Wiley InterScience Journals | RWI |
Wiley InterScience Materials Science Backfile Collection | RWM |
Wiley Interscience Mathematics Backfiles | WWM |
Wiley InterScience Natural Sciences and Taxonomy Backfile | HZJ |
Wiley InterScience Neuroscience Backfile Collection | RWD |
Wiley InterScience New Directions for Evaluation Backfiles | RWU |
Wiley InterScience Numerical Engineering Backfile Collection | RWS |
Wiley Interscience Oncology and Hematology Backfiles | WWO |
Wiley InterScience Online Books | GGH |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Business collection | ITZ |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Chemistry collection | IUA |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Earth and Environmental Science collection | IUC |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Education collection | IUD |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Engineering collection | IUF |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Humanities and Social Science collection | IUG |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Information Science and Computing collection | IUB |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Law and Criminology collection | IUI |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Life Sciences collection | IUJ |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Mathematics and Statistics collection | IUK |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Medical, Veterinary and Health Sciences collection | IUL |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Physics and Astronomy collection | IUN |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Polymers and Materials Science collection | IUO |
Wiley InterScience Online Books - Psychology collection | IUR |
Wiley Interscience Pharmacology and Toxicology Backfiles | WWP |
Wiley InterScience Physics and Astronomy Backfiles | RNW |
Wiley InterScience Polymer Backfile Collection | RWB |
Wiley Interscience Polymer International Journal Backfiles | HQL |
Wiley InterScience Psychology Backfiles | RVT |
Wiley InterScience Reference Works | GGI |
Wiley InterScience Tribology Backfiles | RYW |
Wiley Online Library | GGJ |
Wiley-Interscience Journal of Polymer Science Part C: Polymer Symposia Backfiles Collection | JAZ |
List of Consortium Databases to be kept
Database Name | Database Code |
Blackwell 2 Year E-only - NESLi2 | HBJ |
Blackwell 2006 Fixed Full - NESLi2 | HBK |
Blackwell 2006 Fixed HSS - NESLi2 | HBM |
Blackwell 2006 Fixed M&N - NESLi2 | HBN |
Blackwell 2006 Fixed STM - NESLi2 | HBL |
Blackwell 2007 Full - NESLi2 | HBO |
Blackwell 2007 HSS - NESLi2 | HBQ |
Blackwell 2007 M&N - NESLi2 | HBR |
Blackwell 2007 STM - NESLi2 | HBP |
Blackwell 2008 Full - NESLi2 | ICV |
Blackwell 2008 HSS - NESLi2 | ICY |
Blackwell 2008 STM - NESLi2 | ICX |
Blackwell Full 2007 - CAUL | JFJ |
Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles (DFG Nationallizenzen) | DC6 |
Blackwell Synergy - CAUL | HZI |
Blackwell Synergy - NESLi2 | HAI |
Blackwell-Synergy - IReL | HQF |
Blackwell-Synergy - SCELC | SBW |
Japanese Consortium -- Blackwell 2007 | WJB |
Japanese Consortium -- Blackwell HSS 2007 | WJH |
Japanese Consortium -- Blackwell STM 2007 | WJS |
JMLA / JPLA Blackwell Full Collection 2008 | WJF |
JMLA / JPLA Blackwell HSS Collection 2008 | WJD |
JMLA / JPLA Blackwell STM Collection 2008 | WJE |
NESLi2 Blackwell 2009 Fixed Full Collection | 1G5 |
NESLi2 Blackwell 2009 Fixed SSH Collection | 1G3 |
NESLi2 Blackwell 2009 Fixed STM Collection | 1G4 |
Tenn-Share - Blackwell 2009 Collection | 1AL |
JMLA / JPLA Wiley 2007 | WJJ |
JMLA / JPLA Wiley Interscience Journals 2008 | WJL |
NERL - Wiley InterScience Journals | 1L6 |
Private University Libraries Consortium (PULC) -- Wiley 2007 | WJP |
The Cochrane Library Opt-In Modell (DFG Nationallizenzen) | D7G |
Wiley InterScience Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English Backfile | RWH |
Wiley Interscience Backfiles - California State University Consortium | WIB |
Wiley InterScience Journals - CAUL | QRW |
Wiley InterScience Journals - JMLA/JPLA | HHZ |
Wiley InterScience Journals - NESLi2 | GNP |
Wiley InterScience Journals - PULC | HHY |
Wiley InterScience Journals - SCELC | HBH |
Wiley InterScience Journals - TENN-Share | JPC |
Wiley Journals - CRKN (Superseded by 52S) | KQQ |
- Article last edited: 25-April-2018