360 KB: Airiti Inc.: Provider and Title Level URL Change -- Aug., 2014
- Product: 360 KB
What is happening to the database: 故宮文獻 (Gùgōng Wénxiàn, National Palace Museum Text) from provider Airiti Inc.?
The provider Airiti Inc. is no longer providing database: 故宮文獻 (Gùgōng Wénxiàn, National Palace Museum Text); instead, this database is now provided by 飛資得資訊 (FlySheet Information Services Co., Ltd). Additionally, the new provider has changed the database name and the title-level linking syntax. The content of the database, and the database ID (65M), will remain the same.
Since the current title level URLs are non-functional, we will change the provider, database name and title level URL associated with this database in the 360 KB knowledgebase immediately.
This change will take effect on Aug. 20th:
Provider name before Aug. 20th: Airiti Inc.
Provider name after Aug. 20th: 飛資得資訊 (FlySheet Information Services Co., Ltd)
Database name before Aug. 20th: 故宮文獻 (Gùgōng Wénxiàn, National Palace Museum Text)
Database name after Aug. 20th: 故宮文物月刊、故宮學術季刊資料庫 (NMP Periodicals ONline), database code 65M
Title Level URL before Aug. 20th: http://www.npmtext.com
Title Level URL after Aug. 20th: https://periodicals.npmonline.net/
Action you need to take:
- Once the above change takes effect, update your Data Management by subscribing to the new database instead of the old database. Information is available here regarding how to update Data Management, and 360 Resource Manager and 360 Counter considerations prior to removing the old database from your profile.
- If you are a 360 MARC Updates client and have requested the custom specification that adds the provider name as it appears in the Client Center to MARC records, you can expect to see some change records when you get your MARC records after Aug. 20th.
- If your library uses a third-party service (such as SFX, EBSCO A-Z, etc.), custom scripts to manage data, or other non-Serials Solutions tools that require the provider name to function, you should note the change in Serials Solutions' provider name in order to retain the proper relationship/mapping between those tools.
- Make sure that either https://periodicals.npmonline.net/ or *periodicals.npmonline.net/ is included in your proxy configuration before Aug. 20th.
- Date Created: 18-Aug-2014
- Last Edited Date: 30-Mar-2015
- Old Article Number: 11179