360 KB: Availability of BioOne.1 and BioOne.2 in CSA Illumina
- Product: 360 KB
Why are the BioOne.1 and BioOne.2 full-text collections through CSA Illumina not visible in the Client Center?
Access to BioOne.1 and BioOne.2 full-text collections through CSA Illumina is only available to subscribers outside of North America. To avoid confusion, we have hidden these collections from public view. However, they are still available by request for subscribing clients. If your library is outside of North America and subscribes to either of the BioOne full-text collections through CSA, please place a request through support services to have it added to your profile by sending an e-mail to: clients@serialssolutions.com or by telephone at: 1-(866)737-4257 (Toll Free).
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 21-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 8266