360 KB: Availability of ERIC in EBSCOhost
- Product: 360 KB
Why is the ERIC EBSCOhost database not tracked by Serials Solutions?
EBSCOhost's version of ERIC does not contain full-text articles, only citations and abstracts. However, it may sometimes appear that the database contains full-text, because EBSCOhost uses a smartlinking system to find full-text in other EBSCOhost databases that clients subscribe to. In addition, where available, EBSCOhost links to the full-text articles found at http://www.eric.ed.gov/
There is a resource for ERIC in EBSCOhost available for those clients who subscribe to 360 Resource Manager or 360 Search.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 21-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 8267