360 KB: Chadwyck-Healey Nineteenth Century Index Databases Will Be Retired -- July 2023
What is happening to the Nineteenth Century Index databases?
ProQuest has migrated C19: The Nineteenth Century Index from provider Chadwyck-Healey to the ProQuest platform. The legacy Chadwyck-Healey Nineteenth Century Index site has been shut down. Therefore, all associated Chadwyck-Healey Nineteenth Century Index databases are being retired.
Note: the replacement database for all of these is C19: The Nineteenth Century Index from the provider ProQuest, DB code: AAQHW
In order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata (based on our Knowledgebase collection policy), the databases will be hidden in the Knowledgebase on July 25, 2023. Libraries that currently subscribe to the databases will continue to have access to the databases. However if your library is not already subscribed, you will not be able to view this database in the Knowledgebase. Please see the table below for the affected databases.
Database Name | DB Code |
C19: Nineteenth Century Index | NCI |
C19: Nineteenth Century Index (UK) | CH7 |
Nineteenth Century Index: American Periodicals Series | II6 |
Nineteenth Century Index: American Periodicals Series (UK) | ET7 |
Nineteenth Century Index: ArchivesUSA | IJ9 |
Nineteenth Century Index: ArchivesUSA (UK) | EW7 |
Nineteenth Century Index: British Periodicals | II7 |
Nineteenth Century Index: British Periodicals (UK) | EW2 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Dictionary of Nineteenth Century Journalism | IK1 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Dictionary of Nineteenth Century Journalism (UK) | EW8 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue | IJ6 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue (UK) | EW3 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Palmer’s Index to The Times | IJ7 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Palmer’s Index to The Times (UK) | EW5 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Periodicals Index Online | II9 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Periodicals Index Online (UK) | EV8 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Poole’s Index to Periodical Literature | IJ2 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Poole’s Index to Periodical Literature (UK) | EW1 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Proceedings of the Old Bailey | IK2 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Proceedings of the Old Bailey (UK) | EW9 |
Nineteenth Century Index: The Nineteenth Century microfiche project | IJ3 |
Nineteenth Century Index: The Nineteenth Century microfiche project (UK) | EV7 |
Nineteenth Century Index: U.S. Congressional Serial Set | IJ8 |
Nineteenth Century Index: U.S. Congressional Serial Set (UK) | EW6 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900 | IJ4 |
Nineteenth Century Index: Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900 (UK) | EW4 |
Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue * | PJZ |
Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals * | JVX |
* Per the ProQuest support article: "The Wellesley Index and Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue (NSTC) legacy databases will be sunsetted on June 30, 2023. The Wellesley Index and NSTC will remain component parts of the migrated C19 Index. However, institutions that have purchased a perpetual archive license to The Wellesley Index and/or NSTC standalones will be enabled to access this content instead through C19 Index, to which they will be moved before the shutdown of the standalone databases."
Actions you may need to take:
- If you are a 360 Resource Manager, 360 Counter, or Intota client, you may need to make some changes to your account settings before July 25:
- Article last edited: 05-July-2023