360 KB: Gale Virtual Reference Library - Usage-Driven Acquisition (UDA) Model
- Product: 360 KB
How do we subscribe to titles in the Gale Virtual Reference Library - Usage-Driven Acquisition (UDA) Model database?
We have provided the database Gale Virtual Reference Library - Usage-Driven Acquisition (UDA) Model (DBID: J0J) to help you manage your Gale UDA titles. For more information from Gale about this product, see this document.
To ensure that you are only tracking titles which your library has access to (avoiding automatic additions of new titles to your profile), we recommend that you make the database selectable, and individually select the titles you have access to (per your agreement with Gale).
For instructions on including select titles within a database, please see this article.
If your subscription to Gale’s Usage-Driven Acquisition Model is no longer active, you can select your purchased and owned titles in the standard collection in the knowledgebase: Gale Virtual Reference Library (DBID: EFU)
- Date Created: 22-May-2014
- Last Edited Date: 22-May-2014
- Old Article Number: 10765