360 KB: Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection Database: No Longer Updated -- February 2016
- Product: 360 KB
What is happening to Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection database?
ProQuest currently has title-level information for the Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection from provider Ovid in the Knowledgebase.
The database Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection (Database code OLW) from the provider Ovid is no longer being updated. In order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata (based on our Knowledgebase collection policy), the database will be hidden in the Knowledgebase on February 12, 2016. Libraries that currently subscribe to the database will continue to have access to this database. However if your library is not already subscribed, you will not be able to view this database in the Knowledgebase. (NOTE: The database code for this database is OLW.)The provider is now representing the Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection via the following collections which we have entered into our Knowledgebase :
Database Name | Database Code |
Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2016 Q1 minus Neurology | ABXVJ |
Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2016 Q1 with Neurology | AHULI |
Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2015 Q4 with Neurology | AARTV |
Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2015 Q4 minus Neurology | ACXNZ |
New Annual Collections will be added as Ovid releases them in the future.
Actions you need to take:
- Once the above change takes effect, update the holdings in your Intota or Client Center profile by subscribing to the new database instead of the old database. For information on how to update your profile, and considerations prior to removing the old database from your profile:
- If you are a 360 MARC Updates client and have requested the custom specification that adds direct URLs or database specific information to MARC records, you can expect to see some change records when you get your MARC records after February 12, 2016.
- Date Created: 4-Feb-2016
- Last Edited Date: 4-Feb-2016
- Old Article Number: 13541