360 KB: McClatchy-Tribune Collection Database: Multiple Titles Removed -- August 2017
What happened to the database McClatchy-Tribune Collection?
ProQuest has had title-level information for the McClatchy-Tribune Collection from provider EBSCO in the Knowledgebase. It has come to our attention that all but two titles in this database do not offer cover-to-cover full-text content.
In order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata (based on the Knowledgebase collection policy), all but the two full-text titles have been removed from the McClatchy-Tribune Collection database in the Knowledgebase. (NOTE: The database code for this database is CMY.)
This means that the non-full-text titles are no longer available to your patrons who use the E-Journal Portal or 360 Link, and you will notice fewer titles when you receive MARC updates for this database. The database will still be available for 360 Search, 360 Counter, 360 Resource Manager, Intota, and the Summon™ service. This change should improve linking and discovery for this database, since the recently removed titles contained only select full-text articles.
- Article last edited: 09-08-2017