360 KB: New 2017 Annual Databases: January 2017
When will the annual databases for 2017 be created in the 360 KB?
For those providers that support annual database collections (for example, ScienceDirect Freedom Collection 2016 [DBID BLXMC], or
Sage Premier 2016 [DBID AAMPI]), the 360 KB and provider engagement team is working with content providers and publishers to obtain title lists for these collections.
Please note that providers have different timelines for posting their title lists for annual collections, and title lists are sent to the 360 KB team at different points throughout the year. Since we are dependent on provider publication of new title lists, the timeline for addition of new 2017 annual databases will vary, depending on which provider title lists are available.
In addition, please be aware that article level linking via 360 Link for recently added databases may not be immediately available. New databases will not have linking fully functional until after the next linker deploy following the addition of the database to the KB. 360 Link linkers are deployed on a monthly basis so this means that linkers will typically be available approximately 1 to 3 weeks after the new database is added to the KB. See the article Recently Added Link Linkers.
In addition, please be aware that not all 2016 databases will have 2017 equivalents, in those cases where providers do not continue to offer certain packages.
For more information on the 360 KB requirements for new database creation, please see our collection policy.
We also have a Content Submission Guide for 360 KB providers.
Thank you!
- Article last edited: 09-January-2017