360 KB: ProQuest Product Portfolio Changes -- 2016
- Product: 360 KB
What is happening to the databases from ProQuest in the 360 KB Knowledgebase?
Database Migrations | New Databases | Database Name Changes
Update August 2016: Added to Database Name Changes section: new name changes to take effect 2016-08-22
An upgraded, streamlined product portfolio will be available for new subscriptions beginning in March 2016. Libraries will be able to see clear, consistent product choices, making it easier to manage and work with our products. Researchers will see their search results expand to relevant content in adjacent disciplines.
ProQuest is also rolling out a number of upgrades to the new portfolio, which will be made available to some customers at their upcoming renewal. These upgrades vary by customer and you will be notified on changes well ahead of time.
What this means for the Knowledgebase:
Database Migrations
As of June 2016, all ProQuest Central customers have moved to an upgraded version of ProQuest Central, with increased content. In order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata (based on the Knowledgebase collection policy), all titles will be removed from the ProQuest Central (purchase pre-March 2016) and ProQuest Central (Alumni) (purchase pre-March 2016) databases, and the databases will be hidden in the Knowledgebase on Sept. 1, 2016. The old databases will become a zero-titles databases, and no future subscriptions will be possible.
Old DB Name | Old DBID | Current DB Name | Current DBID |
ProQuest Central (purchase pre-March 2016) | 7XB | ProQuest Central | BENPR |
ProQuest Central (Alumni) (purchase pre-March 2016) | 8FK | ProQuest Central (Alumni Edition) | ABUWG |
Actions you need to take (360 Core, Resource Manager, Counter, Link, or Intota clients):
- Update the holdings in your Intota or Client Center profile as soon as possible, by subscribing to the current database(s) instead of the old database(s). If you have questions about which database you should subscribe to, please contact ProQuest Technical Support at http://support.proquest.com/proquest/apex/contactussubmitcase?l=en_&p=ProQuest%20Academic.
- For information on how to update your profile, and considerations prior to removing the old database from your profile:
- If you are a 360 MARC Updates client and have requested the custom specification that adds direct URLs or database specific information to MARC records, you can expect to see some change records when you get your MARC records after you subscribe to the new database(s).
New Databases
New databases have been added to the ProQuest knowledgebase as a result of the new streamlined ProQuest Product Portfolio available for new subscriptions beginning in March 2016.
Here is a spreadsheet for the new collections along with the associated database codes. Additionally, some products have similar names. Below is a table to help you identify which product to subscribe to, depending on when the product was purchased:
Purchase pre-March 2016 | Purchase after March 2016 | ||
Database Code | Database Name | Database Code | Database Name |
0-V | ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection | ALSLI | Social Science Premium Collection |
8FG | ProQuest Technology Collection | BGLVJ | Technology Collection |
8FH | ProQuest Natural Science Collection | BHPHI | Natural Science Collection |
Actions you need to take (360 Core, Resource Manager, Counter, Link, or Intota clients):
- You may need to update the holdings in your Intota or Client Center profile by subscribing to the new databases, as applicable to your ProQuest subscription. ProQuest will write to you well in advance and will let you know when this change will happen for your account so that you know when you should make the changes to your Intota or Client Center profile. If you have questions about which database you should subscribe to, please contact ProQuest Technical Support at http://support.proquest.com/proquest/apex/contactussubmitcase?l=en_&p=ProQuest%20Academic.
Database name changes will take effect by date noted in the spreadsheet.
ProQuest KB Database Name Changes spreadsheet is available here.
Dates spreadsheet last updated:
- 2016-08-12 [5 new database name changes added: affects DBIDs A3D, A3F, Q7F, C3F, F1M]
- 2016-06-23 [Database Name Changed To values edited for DBIDs 8A3 and M0S]
- 2016-06-16 [88 new database name changes added]
Date of next effective change: 2016-08-22
Actions you may need to take:
- If you are a 360 MARC Updates client and have requested the custom specification that adds the database name as it appears in the Client Center/Intota to MARC records, you can expect to see some change records when you get your MARC records after August 22, 2016.
- If your library uses a third-party service (such as SFX, EBSCO A-Z, etc.), custom scripts to manage data, or other non-ProQuest tools that require the database name to function, you should note the change in ProQuest's database name in order to retain the proper relationship/mapping between those tools.
- Date Created: 9-Mar-2016
- Last Edited Date: 12-Aug-2016
- Old Article Number: 13657