360 KB: Select Digitalia Databases: Titles Will Be Removed -- May 2019
What is happening to the Digitalia databases?
ProQuest currently has title-level information for the following databases from provider Digitalia Inc. in the Knowledgebase. We have completed a content alignment with this provider and they have asked us to remove the publisher specific databases from the 360 KB.
Database Code | Database Name |
OS6 | Anthropos |
R9R | Biblioteca Nueva |
8X0 | Calambur Editorial |
R9T | Caribbean Studies Collection |
.MW | Ediciones Alfar |
8Y. | Ediciones Polifemo |
8Y~ | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca |
8Z. | Iberoamericana Vervuert |
I7I | Ocho y Medio |
R9S | Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú |
R9P | Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza |
OM1 | Scripta Humanistica |
R9M | Sílex Ediciones |
.MY | Trotta Editorial |
8Z- | Universitat Jaume I |
In order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata (based on the Knowledgebase collection policy), the databases will be hidden and all titles will be removed in the Knowledgebase on May 13, 2019. The databases will become zero-titles databases.
All content included in these databases is available in the Digitalia Hispanica collection (Note: the ID for this database is R9Y.) Please subscribe to Digitalia Hispanica for all future updates to the collection and titles.
Actions you may need to take:
- Please subscribe to Digitalia Hispanica (R9Y) for all future updates.
- If you are a 360 Resource Manager, 360 Counter, or Intota client, you may need to make some changes to your account settings before May 13:
- Article last edited: 12-APR-2019