360 KB: SpringerLink and Springer MARC records Data Clean-Up Announcement -- Mar. 2014
- Product: 360 KB
What is the impact of the SpringerLink and Springer MARC project on the 360 KB databases?
Recently Springer released the following announcement: http://www.springer.com/?SGWID=0-0-1500-2185160-0Per Springer:
Customers will NOT lose SpringerLink access to any titles because of any of these changes. However, the number of titles in each subject collection may be different than prior to this project. These changes are the results of subject collection and language assignment updates. As a result of these corrections, some customers will have access to additional content that they have not previously. All changes will be complete by 28 February.
For 360 KB subscribers, you may notice the following changes:
- access to additional titles in the subject collections.
- adds/deletes as titles shift from one collection to another based on the aforementioned assignment updates.
We will continue to update the ebooks databases based on the title lists generated through the downloader tool: http://www.springer.com/?referer=springer.com&SGWID=0-148802-3020-0-0 so any changes that Springer makes through its data clean-up project will be captured by the end of March.
- Date Created: 3-Mar-2014
- Last Edited Date: 4-Mar-2014
- Old Article Number: 10532