Adding a new Alma institution as an External resource.
For Optimal searching, using an advanced technology, a New Alma institution will be added only as SRU (Search/Retrieve via URL) resource, and not as z39.50 as we did in the past.
Note: an institution must turn on the SRU target functionality. By default, it is not enabled. This is done by defining a “SRU” external profile in Alma. (for more information please see here and here)
When requesting a new Alma External resource
Please supply us with the following information of the requested external resource:
Resource short Description
Link to the requested library’s main search page (Usually a link to the Primo search page)
MARC Record type (UNIMARC/MARC 21 etc.)
SRU Base URL (<Alma URL>/view/sru/<institution_code>)
If the Alma URL is and the institution code is EXL_INST01 then the baseURL will be
Does the resource require Credentials? (Yes/NO and if so please supply one for testing)