Elsevier Journals and Books collections coverage in the Alma Community Zone
- Product: Alma
- Product Version: All
- Relevant for Installation Type: All
How to make sure that the list of Elsevier Collections which your institute subscribed to are activated?
Elsevier has multiple electronic collections, which are present also within Alma’s Community Zone, each collection holds a list of titles and each title has an indication of the coverage information.
For example, here is a title from the Elsevier SD Complete Freedom Collection 2023 – as it appears in the Community Zone:
The coverage statement above, which was shared with Ex Libris by Elsevier, reflects the entire coverage available from Elsevier. This is not a customer specific coverage. This is the basic collection coverage as defined by Elsevier. Each Elsevier customer can have various coverage thresholds depending on their individual agreements with Elsevier.
So how can customers, which activated Elsevier collections from the Community Zone, ensure that their titles actual coverage will be reflected for their patrons?
There are 2 ways to achieve this:
Option 1: Automated process – upload electronic holdings:
To have Alma automatically activate Elsevier’s Book/Journal titles with customer specific coverage information, Ex Libris created 2 “Complete” collections in the Community Zone, these collections consolidate all of Elsevier’s relevant Books and Journals collections:
- Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals Complete (Collection ID: 6179970910000121)
- Elsevier ScienceDirect Books Complete (Collection ID: 6179970940000121)
In order to enable the automated process (which can be configured to run on a weekly basis), you will need to activate one or both collections above and configure an Alma integration profile with Elsevier. Please follow the guidelines in this documentation page to understand how to fully enable automated process in Alma and this Elsevier specific documentation page.
Additional information can be found here: https://www.elsevier.com/librarian/manage-your-elsevier-solutions#1-sciencedirect-resources and here: https://service.elsevier.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9846/supporthub/sciencedirect/
Option 2: Manual process – portfolio loader:
In order to manually update a collection with customer specific titles and coverage information, you will need to download your customer specific KBART holdings file from Elsevier and load it into Alma. Please follow the guidelines in this documentation page to understand how to load the file into Alma.
Additional information can be found here: https://www.elsevier.com/librarian/manage-your-elsevier-solutions#1-sciencedirect-resources and here: https://service.elsevier.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9846/supporthub/sciencedirect/
- Article last edited: 25-03-2024