Elsevier ScienceDirect Open Access Collections
What is happening to the Elsevier ScienceDirect Open Access Collections?
Elsevier ScienceDirect Complimentary Free Access Books and Elsevier ScienceDirect Free Access Journals to be removed from Alma Knowledgebase
Ex Libris currently has title-level information for the ScienceDirect Complimentary Free Access Books and Elsevier ScienceDirect Free Access Journals listed under provider Elsevier in the Knowledgebase. These collections were created by Ex Libris based on the general ScienceDirect collections but unfortunately they do not reflect the status of the OA titles in ScienceDircetl accurately enough. Elsevier themselves do not provide dedicated title lists for their Open Access content. To access Elsevier ScienceDirect Open Access titles please select the relevant items in their global collections.
We will be removing these 2 collections from the Alma knowledgebase. The removal is scheduled to 5/3/23.
Your subscription with Elsevier provides you already with access to all Elsevier Open Access resources for your students and researchers.
To provide un-proxy access to Open Access resources, please access title list at http://holdings.sciencedirect.com/ehr/searchReports.url
Here are available lists of OA titles for journals and books (https://www.elsevier.com/open-access/open-access-journals and https://www.sciencedirect.com/browse/journals-and-books?contentType=BK&accessType=openAccess) which you can activate manually through the following all titles collections:
- Elsevier SD ScienceDirect Available Journals (Alma ID: 615410000000002067)
- Elsevier SD ScienceDirect Available Books (Alma ID: 615410000000002066)
- Article last edited: 05-FEB-2023