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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

EBSCO Journal Service (EJS) Decommission

EBSCO will no longer update EJS with new content beginning in June 2024 and the EJS Reader Site, EJS Administrator site and associated linking will be shut down on Friday, August 30th, 2024.

As a result, the EBSCOhost links will stop working, and the collection will not be updated. The collection links will redirect to this Knowledge Article, but we will keep the collection available for retaining historical local holdings, and in Alma the management level will be labeled as "Not Maintained" .
We understand that institutions may store local information on the portfolios, so we can suggest a way for you to keep the title information stored and managed in this collection by following these steps: 

Download your institution’s holdings file from EBSCOadmin Holdings Management by logging in EBSCOadmin and clicking the Holdings Management tab and then clicking Download.  On the Download page: 

  1. Under ‘Type’ select the radio button for ‘KBART’ (*note: KBART files are only available in the Tab Delimited format). 

  1. Under ‘Contents’ -> ‘Resources’, select the radio button for ‘Managed’ – this will open the ‘Ordered Through EBSCO Only’ section. 

  1. Under ‘Ordered Through EBSCO Only’, select the radio button for ‘Yes’

  1. Under ‘Package Content Types’, check off ‘E-Journal’ and ‘Mixed Content’

  1. Give the file a name under ‘File Name’ and click the ‘Create File for Download’ button. 

  1. After clicking ‘Create File for Download’ you will be automatically re-directed to the ‘View All Downloads’ page where your file will be listed as ‘In progress’. When your file is complete and ready for download you will see a ‘Download’ link which you can click to export your completed file.  

Here is our FAQ on exporting KBART files of EBSCO Ordered Resources from Holdings Management if you would like to link to it:  


Instructions for Alma Customers: 
Add the portfolio information from the EBSCO holding file with the active linking information in the excel spreadsheet template that can be found in the Portfolio Loader page. Make sure the following columns are filled out: 

  • Localized (Column A) – Y 

  • ISSN (Column B)  

  • URL from the EBSCO holdings file title_url column (Column BH) 

Upload the portfolio according to the instructions for portfolio loader in this page, checking the “Update portfolios” option (see screen shot below). 

Please note that if you want to delete any portfolios from this collection that are not part of the EBSCO holdings file, you should also mark the option “Delete Portfolios” as seen in the screen shot below. 




Once the upload is complete, you can see the parser has changed to Bulk::BULK, and the URL is now a static URL to override the collection’s old link to EJS (EBSCO Journal Service): 



Instructions for 360 Customers: 
See the following guide about how to Use a List of Titles Provided by the Content Provider 

360 Core: Offline Date and Status Editor for Updating Multiple Holdings at One Time. 

It can set the ‘Custom URL’ field on multiple holdings in one upload. 

If you have trouble with the Offline Date and Status Editor you can open a case to 360 Support team. 

Instructions for SFX Customers: 

You can input your data to DataLoader in KBART format. This allows you to import batch records of object portfolios into SFX, please refer to the guide below under Dataloader portfolios (page 165).'s_Guide.pdf?revision=44

For any assistance on the DataLoader, please open a support case or use the support chat.

Last Uptade: 04-JUN-2024

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